The FOSS Enterprise Application Platform


Build everything yourself!

(Addicted to developing with Preside)

with Dom Watson


  • CTO at Pixl8
  • Developing 20+ years
  • Lead dev of Preside
  • Musical Theatre actor in a previous life


  • UK Digital agency serving the membership sector (mostly)
  • Develop a platform for membership organisations to manage their website, CRM, email and more
  • A growing company, currently  ~80 employees


  • A development platform for writing data driven applications. Including headless APIs, pure admin systems and full blown CMSs
  • Open source
  • Awesome sauce
  • Time for a 20,000 ft overview getting started video

SaaS Cloud Whizzbang++ vs Just build it your **** (good) self

Tip: don't build EVERYTHING

  • Some off-the-shelf services are just too good and no need to rewrite them  - Developer experience with integration is a good indicator!
  • Some problems are not worth the maintenance
  • Some problems are too hard
  • LOTS of problems are worth tackling yourself though :)

Things we don't build

  • JIRA. Yet (working on it, bit by bit)
  • Gitlab (will never do)
  • Identity management (basics could easily be done, but so many integrations and good options out there) - we use JumpCloud
  • Networking management (we use Cloudflare)

Things we do/have

  • Pixl8 Intranet (with ALLLL the tools and hub for our integrations)
    • Amazon SES infra provisioning
    • Application management and CI (triggering to Gitlab)
    • Vulnerability report gathering
    • HR systems
    • Some project management exensions of JIRA
    • WIKI
    • ... and much more
  • Mailkeeper
  • Translation manager for software i18n
  • Encryption key server
  • Dev tools
  • .. and more

Pixl8 Approach

Some dev tooling

  • Low bar to entry
  • A nice welcome break for developers when working on tooling
  • So long as there's documentation and it works, we get to stress a little bit less about the perfection of the implementation

Example: Git tooling around releasing and patching

Our intranet "MIS"

  • A central hub
  • Pixl8's main CRM system
  • WIKI
  • HR management
  • Major source of building our tools

Building a micro service

  • Sometime we don't use Preside :o :O :O
  • Upcoming version of Preside makes it more viable to create smaller focused micro service/apps
  • e.g. just make an API with no admin but using the Preside data model framework

Auto i18n tranlation

  • Challenge with constant flow of new i18n in our code base that requires translation in multiple languages
  • Mix existing translation services with our own custom application to make this flow easier
  • Plugin to Gitlab pipelines to make it zero friction

What's new and upcoming

  • 10.25 and 10.26 released since last year
  • Working on 10.27


  • Dependent features && Preside "zero"
  • Local app extensions - like modules_app for Coldbox, can have extensions_app/ folder
  • Data API extension brought into core
  • Alt admin theme brought into core
  • Private workflow extension published and brought into core
  • More overall admin UI/UX improvements

CTO @ Pixl8 Group
Preside lead developer

Thanks for listening

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