The FOSS Enterprise Application Platform
The Preside Platform
What's new in 10.11.0
99 JIRA Issues
200+ Commits
16 Contributors
Malcolm Rajeli
Brayden Tan
Sacha Moufarrege
Jan Jannek
Michael Hnat
Kok Ann Ng
Jasmin Tsai
Hieu Huynh
At a glance
21 Bug fixes
35 Presents for developers
16 Performance improvement tickets
21 UX Improvements
Performance and Stability
...some little things
Performance and Stability
Caching + Cachebox
Performance and Stability
Core system
Performance and Stability
Performance and Stability
Preside System Output (demo) [16:42:13]: Application starting up (fwreinit ...
Preside System Output (demo) [16:42:25]: Started Preside Email Queue Proces...
Preside System Output (demo) [16:42:25]: Started Preside Service Healthchec...
Preside System Output (demo) [16:42:25]: Started Preside Heartbeat: Adhoc T...
Preside System Output (demo) [16:42:25]: Started Preside Heartbeat: Schedul...
Preside System Output (demo) [16:42:25]: Started Preside Asset Queue Proces...
Preside System Output (demo) [16:42:25]: Started Preside Asset Queue Proces...
Preside System Output (demo) [16:42:25]: Started Preside Asset Queue Proces...
Preside System Output (demo) [16:42:25]: Started Preside Asset Queue Proces...
Preside System Output (demo) [16:42:25]: Started Preside Asset Queue Proces...
Preside System Output (demo) [16:42:25]: Started Preside Asset Queue Proces...
Preside System Output (demo) [16:42:25]: Started Preside Asset Queue Proces...
Preside System Output (demo) [16:42:25]: Started Preside Asset Queue Proces...
Preside System Output (demo) [16:42:25]: Started Preside Asset Queue Proces...
Preside System Output (demo) [16:42:25]: Started Preside Asset Queue Proces...
Preside System Output (demo) [16:42:25]: Started Preside Cache Reap Heartbe...
Preside System Output (demo) [16:42:26]: Application start up complete
UX Improvements and fixes
Some quick wins
UX Improvements and fixes
Some quick wins
UX Improvements and fixes
settings.ckeditor.defaults.append( {
extraAllowedContent = "img dl dt dd"
UX Improvements and fixes
Task manager
UX Improvements and fixes
Email Center
settings.features.emailOverwriteDomain.enabled = true; // default false
UX Improvements and fixes
Asset manager file names
Presents for developers
...some little things (too many to mention all)
Presents for developers
Default filters on objects @defaultFilters activePages
Suppress fields in validateForm() - Thanks
Johnson Cheng :)
Data table Footer customizations
Saved query filters, now implement as handlers
Auto trim form submissions - thanks to Seb
...some little things (too many to mention all)
Presents for developers
/site-root/.env file
Presents for developers
settings.mySetting = settings.env.mySetting ?: "default";
Compiled code
Presents for developers
SelectData Views
Presents for developers
* @datamanagerEnabled true
* @datamanagerGridFields label,post_count,datemodified
component {
property name="label" uniqueindexes="label";
property name="posts" relationship = "one-to-many"
relatedto = "blog_post"
relationshipKey = "category";
property name="post_count" formula="count( ${prefix} )";
* @datamanagerEnabled true
* @datamanagerGridFields label,active_post_count,datemodified
component {
property name="label" uniqueindexes="label";
property name="active_posts" relationship = "select-data-view"
relatedto = "activeBlogPosts"
relationshipKey = "category";
property name="active_post_count" formula="count( ${prefix} )";
// /handlers/SelectDataViews.cfc
component {
private struct function activeBlogPosts( event, rc, prc ) {
return {
objectName = "blog_post"
, filter = { active=true }
, selectFields = [ "id", "title", "category" ]
private struct function inactiveBlogPosts( event, rc, prc ) {
return {
objectName = "blog_post"
, filter = { active=false }
// simple example
var activePosts = posts.selectView( "activeBlogPosts" );
// example using joins
var activePosts = category.selectData(
filter = { id=selectedCategory }
, selectFields = [ "", "active_posts.title" ]
, active_posts.title
from `pobj_blog_category` `blog_category`
inner join (
select `blog_post`.`id`,
from `pobj_blog_post` `blog_post`
where `blog_post`.`active` = true
) `active_posts` on ( `active_posts`.`category` = `blog_category`.`id` )
where `blog_category`.`id` = ':post_id';
Custom Asset Transformations
Presents for developers
derivatives.pageThumbnail = {
permissions = "inherit"
, autoQueue = [ "image" ]
, transformations = [
{ method="shrinkToFit", args={ width=100, height=100 } }
derivatives.pageThumbnail = {
permissions = "inherit"
, autoQueue = [ "image" ]
, transformations = [
{ method="watermark" , args={} }
, { method="shrinkToFit", args={ width=100, height=100 } }
// /handlers/AssetTransformers.cfc
component {
property name="imageManipulationService" inject="imageManipulationService";
private binary function resize( event, rc, prc, args={} ) {
return imageManipulationService.resize( argumentCollection=args );
private binary function shrinkToFit( event, rc, prc, args={} ) {
return imageManipulationService.shrinkToFit( argumentCollection=args );
private binary function pdfPreview( event, rc, prc, args={} ) {
return imageManipulationService.pdfPreview( argumentCollection=args );
asset = fileBinary
, fileProperties = { fileExt="jpg" }
, otherCustomArg1 = "..."
// ..
Asset processing queue
Presents for developers
settings.features.assetQueue.enabled = true; // default false
settings.features.assetQueueHeartBeat.enabled = true; // default false
settings.assetManager.queue = {
concurrency = 10 // default 1
, batchSize = 10 // default 100
, downloadWaitSeconds = 10 // default 5
derivatives.icon = {
permissions = "inherit"
, autoQueue = [ "image" ]
, transformations = [ { method="shrinkToFit", args={ width=32, height=32 } } ]
Other configurable background tasks
Presents for developers
settings.features.emailQueueHeartBeat.enabled = false;
settings.features.adhocTaskHeartBeat.enabled = false;
settings.features.taskmanagerHeartBeat.enabled = false;
settings.features.assetQueueHeartBeat.enabled = false;
settings.features.emailQueueHeartBeat.enabled = settings.env.emailqueue ?: true;
settings.features.adhocTaskHeartBeat.enabled = settings.env.adhoctasks ?: true;
settings.features.taskmanagerHeartBeat.enabled = settings.env.taskmanager ?: true;
settings.features.assetQueueHeartBeat.enabled = settings.env.assetqueue ?: true;
# Server 1 (frontend web)
# Server 2 (backend task server)
To build an out-of-box web application foundation that does as much of the laborious, hard and overlooked work for you, accelerating teams as they focus on unique requirements.
To build a community and platform that leads by example; that is a joy to use, a joy to work with and a joy to participate in.
Preside solving complex needs for a wide breadth of industries and communities. A well-known name founded on openness and excellence.
CTO @ Pixl8 Group
Preside lead developer