Dom Taylor

Philosophy, Religion, and French, Spanish, & Italian Librarian 

Father Harold Drake Library and Elizabeth Dafoe Library

Catholic Studies Subject Guide


CATH 1190-A02

February 5, 2018

Key to assignments: Creating a proper citation

What are some parts of the catalogue record for your textbook that are good to be aware of?


  • Author(s): Stewart, C.
  • Publication date: 2008
  • Title: The Catholic Church : A brief popular history
  • Publisher: Anselm Academic
  • Location: Winona, MN

Stewart, C. (2008). The Catholic Church : A brief popular history. Winona, MN: Saint Mary's Press.

Book citation example

What are some parts of the catalogue record for Kelley's (2006) article that are good to be aware of?

Journal articles

  • Author: Kelley, N.

  • Publication date: 2006 (we had to do a bit of digging)

  • Article title: Philosophy as training for death : Reading the ancient Christian martyr acts as spiritual exercises

  • Journal title: Church History

  • Volume # and issue #: 75(4)

  • Pages: 723-747

  • DOI (digital object identifier): 10.1017/S0009640700111813

  • Peer Review/Refereed: Yes. It is listed near the top heading.  

Kelley, N. (2006). Philosophy as training for death :

Reading the ancient Christian martyr acts as spiritual exercises. Church History, 75(4), 723-747. doi: 10.1017/S0009640700111813


If there is no DOI, add the following information after the page #s. "Retrieved from"

This should not be hyperlinked in your list

Article citation example

Key to assignments: Paraphrasing

  • Putting an author's writing into your own words AND structure with the intention of adding clarity and/or demonstrating understanding.
  • Giving credit to an author's idea (e.g., sentence, paragraph, chapter or article) 
  • Not just rewording. Not just reordering. BOTH + some insight.

Paraphrases should include the following information

Author, date, page #  
(Moss, 2013, p.131)
Author, date  
(Moss, 2013)


** Although APA does not require page #s for paraphrases, it is good practice to include page #s when it is possible. Ask your instructors.

"The death of a Christian or group of Christians might be unjust, but it is not persecution as it has traditionally been defined"(Moss,2013,p.162).


Paraphrasing example

"The death of a Christian or group of Christians might be unjust, but it is not persecution as it has traditionally been defined"(Moss,2013,p.162).


Moss argues that we have to re-evaluate the standard understanding of the Christian persecution (2013,p.162). While Christians may have been maltreated,this does not mean they were technically persecuted (Moss,2013,p.162).


Paraphrasing example

  • UoM APA Quick reference guide

= online

APA Resources

Create a citation and paraphrase 

In-class workshop

  • With resources available to you, including the APA handout and instructors, try to create a proper citation for example source.
  • Using what we discussed about paraphrasing provide a description of the source in a few sentences. You can focus on either a single paragraph or multiple paragraphs. 


Dom Taylor

Religion and Social Work Librarian

Father Harold Drake Library and Elizabeth Dafoe Library

Catholic Studies Subject Guide



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