Java Security Framework
Joe Chou
What is Shiro
Main ideas of Shiro
Try It Yourself
- An INI Realm
- My Customize Realm
- Some Defined Realms
- Shiro in Webapp
- Integrate with Spring MVC
Understand what is Shiro
Understand how to use Shiro in my project
or not
To claim a land as my realm. Everyone has to obey my law!!
To ensure my people's security.
To protect a king from enemies.
Remember AOE?
A scope which defines a set of principals to make users obey.
It can be applied on one or more applications.
A set of rules to determine what a user can do in this realm.
A session which represents a user who is now using your application.
The basic kernel of shiro framework.
Supporting of webapps.
Supporting of Shiro AOP annotations.
Integration with Spring framework.
Supporting of Shiro cache based on Ehcache.
Supporting of Shiro session validation scheduling based on Quartz.
Time to get started!
We need
JDK 1.5+,
Maven 2.2+,
Spring Tool Suite,
Git plug-in,
and GitHub account.
Joe = joe, warrior
Asip = asip, ranger
Kirin = kirin, swordman, fighter
Jimmy = jimmy, archer
Study = study, mage
Newbie = newbie
warrior = melee:*
ranger = melee:stab, dodge
swordman = melee:slash, parry
fighter = melee:punch, dodge
archer = shoot
mage = "cast:fireball,blizzard", heal
Factory<SecurityManager> factory = new IniSecurityManagerFactory("classpath:shiro.ini");
SecurityManager securityManager = factory.getInstance();
Subject currentUser = SecurityUtils.getSubject();
UsernamePasswordToken token = new UsernamePasswordToken(username, password);
System.out.println("you are a user");
System.out.println("you can edit");
myRealm = realm.CustomizeRealm
public class CustomizeRealm extends AuthorizingRealm {
protected SimpleAccount getAccount(String username) {
SimpleAccount account = new SimpleAccount(username, pwdTable.get(username), getName());
ArrayList<String> userRoles = userRoleTable.get(username);
for(String role: userRoles) {
return account;
protected AuthenticationInfo doGetAuthenticationInfo(AuthenticationToken token)
throws AuthenticationException {
UsernamePasswordToken upToken = (UsernamePasswordToken) token;
return getAccount(upToken.getUsername());
protected AuthorizationInfo doGetAuthorizationInfo(PrincipalCollection principals) {
String username = (String) getAvailablePrincipal(principals);
return getAccount(username);
// Factory<SecurityManager> factory = new IniSecurityManagerFactory("/shiro.ini");
// SecurityManager securityManager = factory.getInstance();
// SecurityUtils.setSecurityManager(securityManager);
/logout.jsp = logout
/index.jsp = authc
/ = authc
/admin/** = roles[GM]
Shiro's Taglib
to check permission or role in JSP page
<shiro:lacksRole name="warrior">
Guild Keeper: "You are not a warrior, Get out."
<shiro:hasRole name="warrior">
Guild Keeper: "You are a warrior, welcome!"
<shiro:hasPermission name="melee:punch">
Gate Keeper: "You know how to punch. You must be a warrior or a fighter!"
<shiro:lacksPermission name="melee:punch">
Gate Keeper: "You don't know how to punch. Get out!"
</shiro:lacksPermission> -- Shiro's modules -- Shiro Integration