
Coding w/ CORE + ADI

Workshop Topics

  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Introduction to jQuery
  • Overview of some of the incredible Javascript libraries available

What is JavaScript?

  • The programming language of the web and present in every web browser
  • Can change the HTML and CSS of any website
  • Is used for communicating with your server
  • Is used for accessing APIs

It's all about the behavior of a website

Tools for Tonight

  • - great way to create and share JavaScript code online
  • Web browser console
    • Chrome: Go to View -> Developer -> JavaScript Console
    • Codecademy JavaScript Console: web console
  • Sublime Text - Great text editor for JavaScript and web programming (download here)

Variables and Values

  • JavaScript will automatically recognize numbers and mathematical expressions
  • >24 24>6 + 4 10>7 * 2 + 1


  • You can assign these numbers to variables for later use
> var x = 13> x  13> var y = 7> y + x  20

    Strings & Concatenation

    • We can also store text in JavaScript
    • > "Hello World"  Hello World> var websiteTitle = "Facebook"; 
    • We can log strings and other objects (aka print to the console)
     > console.log(websiteTitle);   Facebook
    • We can also concatenate (aka add) strings together
    •  > "Hello " + "Jane" Hello Jane > "How could you eat " + 8 + " hot dogs??" How could you eat 8 hot dogs??


    • Any expression that evaluates to true or false
    • > 3 > 5 false> var s = true;> s true
    • Can combine expressions with && (is true if both expressions are true) or || (is true if either is true)
    • > (1 > 3) || (3 > 1) true> var cookies = true> var code = true> cookies && code true

    While Loops

    while (<insert expression that is true/false>) { <do stuff>}

    For Loops

    for ( <do before loop> ; <if this is true, run block> ; <do this after>) { <do stuff here>}

    If/Else Statements

    if (<something is true>) { <do this>} else { <do this>}


    • Functions run a block of code whenever you call them
    • > function sayHi(name) {
      console.log("Hi " + name);
      > sayHi("Don"); Hi Don
    • Some functions come with JavaScript
    • alert("Hello");
    • Functions can be stored as variables and passed to other functions
    • > var t = sayHi;


    • In simplest sense, is just a dictionary of key-value pairs
    • > var batman = {  name: "Bruce Wayne",  enemy: "Joker",  playThemeSong: function() {   console.log("nananana Batman");  }> batman.playThemeSong();  nananana Batman>  Bruce Wayne

    How to include JavaScript in your website

    • Remember how we have different HTML elements that tell our web browser what to include in the site?
      • Well there is also a <script></script> element that tells the web browser what javascript files to load with your website
      • <html><header>
        <script src="flashingColors.js"></script>
        <h1>Colors are flashing!!</h1>

    Additional Resources

    Codecademy - link
    Codeschool - link
    All You Ever Want to Read About - book
    Design Patterns - book


    • A JavaScript library that let's you easily do the stuff that JavaScript was meant to do
      • Find HTML elements and do stuff with them
      • Execute code on an event like a user click or hover
      • Communicate with remote servers

    DOM Selection

    • Select with $('<insert what you want to select>');
      • Select by CSS property i.e.
        • $('.onePercent');
        • $('#batman');
      • Select by HTML element
        • $('p');
        • $('h1');
      • Select by both
        • $('h1 #batman');
    • Selecting HTML elements and changing their CSS/HTML
      • remove()
      • append()
      • html()
      • removeClass()/addClass()
      • attr()

    Events in jQuery

    • Here we can check for if a user clicks some HTML element
      • click()
      • dblclick()
      • hover()
    $('#batman').click(function() {  alert("Na Na Na Batman");});   
    $('#batman').bind('dblclick', function() { alert("Na Na Na Double Batman");});


    Communicating with remote servers
    We will send a call to a server and wait for a response back
    When we get a response, we can then do stuff with it
    $.ajax({  data: { name: 'Don' },  url: '',  type: 'GET',  success: function(response) {    alert("Don's friends are here");  }});


    Additional jQuery Resources

    Interactive Tutorial -
    Interactive Tutorial -
    Interactive Tutorial -
    Plugin List -
    Plugin Repository -

    JavaScript libraries

    Future Workshops

    10/2 - Frontend Development w/ Angular.js
    10/9 - Vimeo Tech Talk on Web Design
    10/16 - Backend Development w/ Node.js

    Sign up for our listserv for info on future events & workshops


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