Writing an Op-Ed Piece
PSCI 210 - Introduction to American Government
Doralyn Rossmann
Political Science Librarian
BA - Poli Sci & English, MSLS, MPA (from here at MSU!)
Write an op-ed piece on one of the following topics:
Definition: a newspaper page devoted to signed articles by commentators, essayists, humorists, etc., of varying viewpoints
History and Abbreviations: short for opposite editorial. First Known Use: 1970
Source: op-ed. Dictionary.com. Dictionary.com Unabridged. Random House, Inc. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/op-ed
Use the PSCI 210 Library Guide!!
Draw a concept map
Try your arguments on your roommates, friends
Don't cite your sources in the paper, use footnotes
Think of alternate words to describe your topic
Try a book chapter!
You can ask me for help: