
Elastic Search

as a complementary datastore



to SQL or to NoSQL ?

  • Relational is good for:
    • Storing complex structures
  • Document-based is good for:
    • Storing tons of similar object
    • Scaling

to Store or to Compute ?

  • Storing is good for:
    • data safety
    • speed (cache only : redis...)
  • Computing is good for:
    • save disk space
    • speed (complex relations)

What do we

need then ?

A little bit of both !

Introducing ElasticSearch

  • A datastore
  • An index with a powerful set of API 
  • A REST service
  • A very scalable product
  • Used by the best companies out there (StackOverflow, Facebook, Goldman Sachs, NASA...)

What is Elasticsearch ?


  • Aggregated search
  • Concept of relevance
  • Partial/fuzzy matching
  • Still a lot more to learn !!!
  • As a complementary datastore
  • As a search engine
  • As a suggestion engine

How can we use it ?

Schemas speaks better

It's really powerful


We can use it to complement a RDB

Easy to set up

Scales very well

Blazingly fast

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