Deaf Tech Presentation

Current Deaf Technologies

ZVRS Video Relay

Video Messaging


Flashing Doorbells

Interesting Additions

Current Problems

  • Internet videos are not all captioned and some YouTube videos captioning are inadequate
  • Not all movie theatres provide closed captioning devices or those captioning devices don’t work 
  • Deaf people cannot freely “talk” on the phone like hearing people can while they drive.
  • No automatic access to the lyrics on the car’s radio without having to use your hands to use a phone app to pick a song up.
  • To-Go speakers for fast food restaurants are not all accessible
  • No quick way for Deaf person to communicate with EMT while being transferred to a hospital

Project Ideas

Computer CC

Computer CC, or CCC, is a software downloaded on the computer that reads audio that is outputting the computer and places it as subtitles on the screen. It can be used as subtitles for videos that doesn’t have them or as a way to read the audio that appears on some websites.

Braille Keyboard

The item below is a Braille display that uses a very small version of MIT’s Tangible Media. It will create the Braille letters for each word as the diction program is running. It works by having each white tile raise slightly depending on what letter it is programed to complete.

MIT's Tangible Media

Holographic Car Display

The Holographic Car Display will make it easier for a hands-free call to be made and received while driving. It’s slightly transparent screen helps drivers see the world around them as well as the world of the person on the screen.


Background Info

The science of the holograms is part of a scientific field called optics. It is all about light and how our eyes see light. The holograms we are using reflects light from a digital screen to our eyes. The idea for the HCD is to implant a screen on the front of the car, right in front of the window. Then we will put an angled piece of glass that is adjustable so you can see it perfectly.

Let's Build One!

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