In Search of an Entity Resolution OASIS: Optimal Asymptotic Sequential Importance Sampling


  • What's the goal
  • Problem Definition
  • OASIS: the algorithm
  • Solve OASIS problem
  • Experiments

Goal: Evaluate ER

Why Challenging?

  • No ground truth.
  • Imbalanced data:
    • Uniformly sampling? no way!
    • Ask Oracle? Money, hmmm.
  • Blocking rules? Bias!

Problem Definition

1. Metric

It is reasonable to use F-measure as the evaluation metric.

\textit{F}_{\alpha,T} = \frac{TP}{\alpha(TP+FP) + (1-\alpha)(TP+FN)}
Fα,T=TPα(TP+FP)+(1α)(TP+FN)\textit{F}_{\alpha,T} = \frac{TP}{\alpha(TP+FP) + (1-\alpha)(TP+FN)}

\(TP = \sum^T_{t=1}\ell_t\hat{\ell}_t\),



\(\ell_t\): true label for pair \(t\).

\(\hat{\ell}_t\): estimated label for pair \(t\).


\mathit{F}_{\alpha,T} = \frac{TP}{\alpha(TP+FP) + (1-\alpha)(TP+FN)}
Fα,T=TPα(TP+FP)+(1α)(TP+FN)\mathit{F}_{\alpha,T} = \frac{TP}{\alpha(TP+FP) + (1-\alpha)(TP+FN)}

\(TP = \sum^T_{t=1}\ell_t\hat{\ell}_t\),



\(\ell_t\): true label for pair \(t\).

\(\hat{\ell}_t\): estimated label for pair \(t\).


\(\alpha = 0\): recall,

\(\alpha = 1\): precision.

2. Formulation

  • Two data source: \(\mathcal{D}_1\) and \(\mathcal{D}_2\),
  • Candidate pairs: \(\mathcal{Z} = \mathcal{D}_1 \times \mathcal{D}_2\),
  • A similarity function: \(s: \mathcal{Z} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\),
  • Randomized Oracle: \(Oracle(z): \mathcal{Z} \rightarrow \{0,1\}\).
  • An estimation \(\{\hat{\ell}_1, \hat{\ell}_2,...\}\).
  • Approximate \(\mathit{F}_{\alpha,T}\)
  • Minimize # Oracle query.
  • Ground truth \(\{\ell_1,\ell_2,...\}\).
  • Enough money.


We have:

We don't have:

3. Good estimation

  • Consistency: \(\hat{F}_\alpha \to F_\alpha\), where \(F_\alpha = \lim_{T \to \infty} F_{\alpha,T} \)
  • Minimal variance: The variance of estimation should be minimized

4. Approach

With the purpose of getting \(F_\alpha\), sampling pairs and asking Oracle to estimate is a good choice.



Since the original distribution is imbalanced, uniformly sampling doesn't work here because of how we calculate \(F_\alpha\) (Why?).


Since the original distribution is imbalanced, uniformly sampling doesn't work here because of how we calculate \(F_\alpha\) (Why?).

Wrong answers don't contribute to F score!

Biased sampling

So, why not use bias against bias?

Instead of sampling directly on \(p(x)\) to estimate \(\theta = E[f(X)] \),

i.e. \(\hat{\theta} = \frac{1}{T}\sum^T_{i=1}f(x_i)\),

we draw samples from \(q(x)\).

Interestingly, we can still do estimation by \(\hat{\theta}^{IS} = \frac{1}{T}\sum^T_{i=1}\frac{p(x_i)}{q(x_i)}f(x_i)\).

Biased sampling


With the help of biased sampling:

Rewrite \(\textit{F}_{\alpha,T} = \frac{TP}{\alpha(TP+FP) + (1-\alpha)(TP+FN)}\)


to \(\textit{F}_{\alpha}^{AIS} = \frac{\sum^T_{t=1} w_t \ell_t \hat{\ell}_t}{\alpha \sum^T_{t=1}w_t\hat{\ell}_t + (1-\alpha)\sum^T_{t=1}w_t \ell_t}\)

\begin{aligned} TP & = \sum^T_{t=1}\ell_t\hat{\ell}_t \\ FP & =\sum^T_{t=1}(1-\ell_t)\hat{\ell}_t \\ FN & =\sum^T_{t=1}\ell_t(1-\hat{\ell}_t) \\ w_t& = \frac{p(z_t)}{q(z_t)} \end{aligned}
TP=t=1Tt^tFP=t=1T(1t)^tFN=t=1Tt(1^t)wt=p(zt)q(zt)\begin{aligned} TP & = \sum^T_{t=1}\ell_t\hat{\ell}_t \\ FP & =\sum^T_{t=1}(1-\ell_t)\hat{\ell}_t \\ FN & =\sum^T_{t=1}\ell_t(1-\hat{\ell}_t) \\ w_t& = \frac{p(z_t)}{q(z_t)} \end{aligned}


With the help of biased sampling:

Rewrite \(\textit{F}_{\alpha,T} = \frac{TP}{\alpha(TP+FP) + (1-\alpha)(TP+FN)}\)


to \(\textit{F}_{\alpha}^{AIS} = \frac{\sum^T_{t=1} w_t \ell_t \hat{\ell}_t}{\alpha \sum^T_{t=1}w_t\hat{\ell}_t + (1-\alpha)\sum^T_{t=1}w_t \ell_t}\)

Find \(q(z_t)\), how?

\begin{aligned} TP & = \sum^T_{t=1}\ell_t\hat{\ell}_t \\ FP & =\sum^T_{t=1}(1-\ell_t)\hat{\ell}_t \\ FN & =\sum^T_{t=1}\ell_t(1-\hat{\ell}_t) \\ w_t& = \frac{p(z_t)}{q(z_t)} \end{aligned}
TP=t=1Tt^tFP=t=1T(1t)^tFN=t=1Tt(1^t)wt=p(zt)q(zt)\begin{aligned} TP & = \sum^T_{t=1}\ell_t\hat{\ell}_t \\ FP & =\sum^T_{t=1}(1-\ell_t)\hat{\ell}_t \\ FN & =\sum^T_{t=1}\ell_t(1-\hat{\ell}_t) \\ w_t& = \frac{p(z_t)}{q(z_t)} \end{aligned}


Considering minimal variance

\(q^* \in \arg \min_q Var(\hat{F}_\alpha^{AIS}[q])\)

Previous work: \(q^*(z) \propto p(z) \cdot A(F_\alpha,p_{Oracle}(1|z_t))\)

\(w_t = \frac{p(z_t)}{q(z_t)}\)

Note: \(A(\cdot)\) here stands for ellipsis

Considering minimal variance

\(q^* \in \arg \min_q Var(\hat{F}_\alpha^{AIS}[q])\)

\(w_t = \frac{p(z_t)}{q(z_t)}\)

Note: \(A(\cdot)\) here stands for ellipsis

As long as we got \(F_\alpha\) and \(p_{Oracle}(1|z_t)\), problem solved.

Previous work: \(q^*(z) \propto p(z) \cdot A(F_\alpha,p_{Oracle}(1|z_t))\)

Considering consistency

\(q(z) = \epsilon \cdot p(z) + (1-\epsilon) \cdot q^*(z)\).

Epsilon greedy, multi-armed bandits problem.

Solve OASIS Problem

1. An iterative way

\(F_\alpha\) and \(p(1|z)\) - unknown!

Approximate them iteratively: For each step \(t+1\), use \(F_\alpha\) and \(p(1|z)\) in step \(t\).

2. \(F_\alpha\) - Simple

Intuitively, we can just use \(\hat{F}^{AIS}_\alpha\) instead of \(F_\alpha\).

3. \(p(1|z)\) - Big problem

There's no way we can do to get the distribution of the oracle without asking them for every \(z\). 


3. \(p(1|z)\) - Big problem

There's no way we can do to get the distribution of the oracle without asking them for every \(z\). 


Use stratification to approximate is feasible


Stratification is a statistical method to estimate some variable by putting samples into several strata. A.K.A. bin boxes.


Similarity func \(s: \mathcal{Z} \to \mathbb{R}\) kicks in.

For each \(z\) in \(P_k\), we can use \(p(1|P_k)\) instead of \(p(1|z)\) now.

We treat each \(p(1|P_k) \sim Bernoulli(\pi_k)\), so \(\pi_k \sim Beta(\alpha, \beta)\).


How to update \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) iteratively? Easy.

if \(\ell_t = 1\), \(\alpha += 1\)

if \(\ell_t = 0\), \(\beta += 1\)

Now we get \(F_\alpha\) and \(p(1|z)\)



  • ER algorithm: Linear SVM
  • Dataset: Products, restaurant, dblp, abt-buy, core, tweets100k
  • Baselines:
    • uniformly sampling,
    • stratified uniform sample
    • non-adaptive importance sampling

OASIS beats any other algorithms in ​these datasets

On balanced datasets, they behaviour similar

Choice of similarity func for IS is important

Slightly more time used than passive sampling and stratified sampling

My Point of View

  • Solid mathematics
  • Very good performance
  • Comprehensive experiment
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