Improving Latent Factor Models via Personalized Feature Projection for One Class Recommendation
Tong Zhao, Julian McAuley, Irwin King
Motivation (1/2)
Latent factor models use inner product to represent a user's compatibility with an item.
However, a user’s opinion of an item may be more complex.
Each dimension of each user’s opinion may depend on a combination of multiple item factors simultaneously.
It may be better to view each dimension of a user’s preference as a personalized projection of an item’s properties.
Motivation (2/2)
A personalized feature projection (PFP) method is proposed to learn users’ latent features as a personalized projection matrix instead of a vector.
A user's opinion of an item is no longer modeled by a real number but a vector.
Vector-based objectives can be formulated, which provides more flexible structures to describe users’ preferences.
Methodology (1/10)
Each user is modeled as a personalized projection matrix.
For a specific user u, each item vector is projected by multiplying u’s personalized projection matrix.
When K*=1, PFP reduces to the original latent factor model.
P^u=R^{K \times K^*}, P^u_f=R^K
Methodology (2/10)
Then u's preference toward item j is modeled by summarizing all the projected feature vectors from his / her positive feedback.
Assumption: The projected feature vectors of users’ positive feedback items should be closer to users’ average taste than are the negative feedback items.
The average similarity makes the approach insensitive to the choice of which positive feedback items should be selected.
f_u(i) \succ f_u(j)
Methodology (3/10)
Personalized Feature Projection (PFP) for one class recommendation.
Three objective functions for optimizing ranking:
Area under the ROC curve (AUC) Loss
Weighted Approximated Ranking Pairwise (WARP) Loss