NLMF: NonLinear Matrix Factorization Methods for
Top-N Recommender Systems
Santosh Kabbur and George Karypis
Department of Computer Science, University of Minnesota Twin Cities, USA
Traditional MF-based models assumption
User preference is consistent across all the items that he/she has rated.
Traditional MF-based models do not put emphasis on fitting the preference diversity of a given user preference.
However, many users can have multiple interests and their preferences can vary with each such interest.
Background (1/3)
Top-N recommendation Problem
Recommend the most appealing N items for users (Not necessary to be the exactly top N).
Ranking metrics (e.g. Precision) are the better measures of top-N task.
Conventional MF-based models which minimizes RMSE does not translate into performance improvements of top-N task.
Few top popular items can skew the top-N performance.
Background (2/3)
MaxMF proposed by Weston et al.
Represent user with multiple latent vectors, each corresponding to a different interest.
Have more power to fit user's preference if user’s interests are diverse.
Only choose the maximum scoring interest as the final recommendation score.
Background (3/3)
MaxMF proposed by Weston et al.
Only interest-specific component is considered.
May fail in two cases
Users who have not provided enough preferences.
Users do not have enough diversity in their itemsets.
Represent user by T interest vectors.
The set of items is partitioned into T partitions for each user.
If an item is ranked higher in the top-N list, at least one of the user's interests must provide a high score for that item.
Number of items for every interest may not be sufficient if only interest-specific preference component is learned.
Learn user preferences as a combination of global preference and interest-specific preference components.
Strike a balance between the two.
The item vectors is independent between global preference and interest-specific preference components.
The embedding sizes of the two components need not to be the same.
SGD for top-N task
It is a common practice to do negative sampling in top-N task.
Both positive feedbacks and missing entries are updated.
ρ * (# of positive feedbacks) missing entries are sampled and are regarded as zeros.
Usually ρ is small (in the range of 3-5).
The item vectors is shared between global preference and interest-specific preference components.
Experiment (1/9)
Extract a subset of the original dataset.
Remove the top 5% of the frequently rated items.
Binarize the Rating to make implicit feedbacks.
Rated => 1
Non-rated => 0
Experiment (2/9)
Experiment (3/9)
5-fold Leave-One-Out-Cross-Validation (LOOCV)
Randomly select one item per user from the dataset and place it in the test set.
Repeat to create 5 different folds.
Evaluation Metric
Hit rate
Average Reciprocal Hit Rank = MRR in this case
Experiment (4/9)
State-of-the-art for top-N recommendation problem
Experiment (5/9)
Experiment (6/9)
Effect of Number of Interests
Peak values happen at T=3 or 4.
Further increasing the value of T, the performance starts to decrease.
Since the number of items for each interest decreases, less meaningful interest vectors are learned.
Experiment (7/9)
Experiment (8/9)
Experiment (9/9)
All hyperparameters of these models are tuned to maximize Hit rate.
NLMFi (independent) outperforms NLMFs (shared).
Item vectors are learned separately in NLMFi, which makes it have more power of striking a balance between global preference and interest-specific components.
A MF-based method (NLMF) which solves the top-N recommendation problem by considering user's preference diversity.
The recommendation score is computed as a combination of global preference and interest-specific user preference.