



Death Certification by a medical officer comprises of two components:


1. Certifying the fact of death (or declaring dead) &


Both are important

2. Identifying the cause of death [this is called Medical Certification       of Cause of Death (MCCD)] 

1. Certifying the fact of death (or declaring dead) 


  • Declaring a death only to discover that the patient later woke up is not acceptable and can be very embarrassing


  • It is important that a doctor is familiar with the requirements in his/her specialty as to what should be undertaken to establish the fact of death


  • As a minimum, a full set of observations should be undertaken and documented, in particular placing a stethoscope on the patient’s chest [Remember ABC = airway, breathing and circulation]

2. Identifying the cause of death [this is called Medical             Certification of Cause of Death (MCCD)]


  • Identifying the cause of death is a vital step in death certification

  • The cause of death is not the same across the globe and differs from place to place

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