Copyright is legal rights provided to owner's of artistic/scientific works to prevent copying or redistribution of the work unless approved by the copyright holder/owner.
Legal document of terms that you agree to in order to use a company's service (s). Can include intellectual copyright.
Have you agreed to terms of service? Do you know what you agreed to?
Do you think terms of service are fair and respect your privacy?
Does there need to a revolution in which terms of service can actually be understood? Why?
Included in a terms of service would be :
"Terms of service are often too long to read, but it's important to understand what's in them. Your rights online depend on them. We hope that our ratings can help you get informed about your rights. Do not hesitate to click on a service below, to have more details! You can also get the ratings directly in your browser by installing our web browser add-on" (Terms of Service; Didn't Read, 2014).
Copyright was originally invented in order protect the rights of artists, writers, filmmakers, scientists etc. so that their original works/research could not simply be stolen and so that they were not deprived of profit from their work (Lethem, 2007).
However in art, literature, media and scholarly works themes are often repeated, stories rewritten (Lethem, 2007) and pop culture turned into new art, think Andy Warhol.
The current length of copyright is the life of the author plus 70 years (90-125 years), originally it was only 14 years (U.S.Copyright Office, 2011).
Copyright law; what is actually stealing and what is creative expression?
Current copyright limits natural creative expression. Is there anything out there that doesn't mimic something else? (Lethem, 2007)
According to Haverford's Office of Academic Resources plagiarism is theft, the intentional stealing of another person's words (author) without giving them credit (i.e. citing/references) (OAR, 2015).
The OAR provides some great resources on plagiarism including a student's guide to plagiarism (blog) and a short PDF document on Plagiarism and How to Avoid It (McInerney, 1999).
Morris, V. (2013). Copyright Recap [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from