It's more than a tool, it's a workflow
I am a freelance designer and front-end developer. I also run
~ cd vagrant-local
Requires Vagrant & VirtualBox installs
Super powerful
Command line based
Creates virtual unbuntu boxes
Customizable enviroments
Can replace MAMP/XAMPP
~ /vagrant-local vagrant up
~ Your virtual evironment is running
Mac application
Acts as a GUI on top of Vagrant
Generates it's own file types
Not meant for complex systems
Runs Vagrant environment
Vagrant manager
You're not limited to just WordPress
You do need to be a technical to set up the LAMP stack.
I have used MAMP + Virtual Host X + SequelPro
Can configure the Mac’s web server settings.
Works with MAMP, XAMPP, & Apple's built-in web server
Installs a local server environment
A GUI for your local server environment
Accesses your local & remote MySQL databases
Sequel Pro thinks pancakes are delicious and so do I
Instead of cowboy coding I now work locally and then deploy without the use of FTP software.
I've brought Git into to my workflow through GitHub.
I can spin up a complete WordPress environment in less than a minute.
I now have blueprints that will setup WordPress with my "perfect" settings and plugins.
By no means am I an expert on DesktopServer, I am constantly learning.
Demo Time
Slides can be found at