Dave Anderson
As a developer we face choices everyday..
Those choices have consequences..
GraphQL offers an alternative to REST...
What to expect on your journey...
Choose GraphQL or REST
Review examples
Advanced Considerations
API Architecture and Design
You are a developer.
If you choose a REST, advance to the next section.
One things is for sure: you need a robust API.
What do you choose?
If you choose GraphQL, advance to the following section.
Architecture and Design
You choose to build your API using REST web service architecture.
Choosing REST is a familiar design decision.
Architecture and Design
You use HTTP verbs semantically to describe operations on your resources
GET /api/v1/stories/
POST /api/v1/stories/
GET /api/v1/stories/{id}/
PUT /api/v1/stories/{id}/
DELETE /api/v1/stories/{id}/
Architecture and Design
You build many different endpoints, for each resource.
GET, POST /api/v1/stories/
GET, PATCH, DELETE /api/v1/stories/{id}/
GET, POST /api/v1/stories/{id}/passages/
GET, PATCH, DELETE /api/v1/stories/{id}/passages/{id}/
GET, POST /api/v1/stories/{id}/passages/{id}/choices/
GET, PATCH, DELETE /api/v1/stories/{id}/passages/{id}/choices/{id}/
Architecture and Design
You choose how to structure your response.
// Hypermedia as the Engine of the Application State - HATEAOS
// GET api/v1/stories/
"id": 1,
"title": "REST",
"author": "Dave A.",
"description": "Can have many response structures",
"links": [
"href": "1/passages/",
"type": "GET",
"rel": "passages
// ... etc
Architecture and Design
You receive many requests to add new fields to the API.
..but now some clients are fetching fields that they don't need.
You want to deprecate old fields or refactor the structure of the API by introducing a new set of versioned endpoints.
..but now you're supporting multiple versions of each API resource forever.
Architecture and Design
You are attacked by a sea monster with as many arms as your API has endpoints and versions.
You die.
Wait, wait, wait.. let's skip back and choose GraphQL.
Architecture and Design
Your friend tells you about a new specification for designing API introduced by Facebook in 2015, called GraphQL.
You choose to explore GraphQL deeper.
Architecture and Design
GraphQL is a query language for your API.
It allows clients
to ask questions of your server
and only get the data they need
in a single request.
Architecture and Design
You define a schema...
type Story {
id: ID,
title: String,
author: String,
passages: [Passage]
type Passage {
id: ID,
name: String,
description: String,
is_ending: Boolean,
choices: [Choice]
type Choice {
id: ID,
description: String,
toPassage: Passage
type Query {
story(id: ID): Story
Architecture and Design
Then you write queries against that schema..
query myStory {
story(id:1) {
passages {
Architecture and Design
And you get a JSON response.
"story": {
"id": "1",
"title": "Choose Your Own Adventure with GraphQL",
passages: [
"id": "1",
"name": "Beginning",
description: "Your adventure begins",
"id": "2",
"name": "GraphQL Architecture",
description: "Choose GraphQL!",
// ...
Architecture and Design
If you need to change data, write a mutation!
mutation newStory {
createStory (input: {
title: "GraphQL",
author: "Dave A",
description: "Its pretty cool"
}) {
Architecture and Design
You use awesome tools to help you build your application.
Like GraphiQL...
Architecture and Design
You use awesome tools to help you build your application.
Or GraphQL voyager...
Architecture and Design
You use awesome tools to help you build your application.
Or GraphQL Faker...
Architecture and Design
Open sourced by Facebook in 2015.
Since open sourcing, we now have a lot of choice!
Which platform do you choose?
If you choose a Python, advance to the next section.
Seriously, choose Python, advance to the next section.
Architecture and Design
You choose to use the Graphene framework in Python.
Architecture and Design
Graphene Django provides some nice built in Views to handle parsing GraphQL requests.
# Makes GraphiQL available at http://oursite.com/graphql !
urlpatterns = [
Architecture and Design
You write your schema.
class StoryType(graphene.ObjectType):
class Meta:
interfaces = (graphene.Node, )
title = graphene.String()
description = graphene.String()
author = graphene.String()
passages = graphene.List(PassageType)
class Query(graphene.ObjectType):
story = graphene.Node.Field(StoryType)
schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query)
query myStory {
story(id:1) {
passages(first: 2) {
Architecture and Design
You write resolvers for each of the fields.
class StoryType(graphene.ObjectType):
def resolve_title(self, info, **args):
return self.title
class Query(graphene.ObjectType):
def resolve_story(self, info, **args):
id = args.get("id")
return Story.objects.get(id=id)
query myStory {
story(id:1) {
passages(first: 2) {
Architecture and Design
You write mutations for any requests that result in changes to data.
class StoryInput(graphene.InputObjectType):
title = graphene.String(required=True)
description = graphene.String()
author = graphene.String()
class CreateStory(graphene.Mutation):
class Arguments:
input = StoryInput(required=True)
story = graphene.Field(StoryType)
def mutate_and_get_payload(cls, root, info, **input):
story = Story.objects.create(*input)
return cls(story=story)
class Mutation(grapene.ObjecctType):
create_story = graphene.Field(CreateStory)
schema = graphene.Schema(
mutation newStory {
createStory (input: {
title: "GraphQL",
author: "Dave A",
description: "Its pretty cool"
}) {
Architecture and Design
You add new fields easily.
You modify existing fields without worrying about breaking clients.
You signal for fields to be depreciated with annotations on your schema.
Architecture and Design
What a relief!
You made a great API! Advance to the next section.
Your GraphQL API is coming along so well that you've earned some space shore leave.
Advanced API Considerations
Let's rewind some of our REST decisions and continue.
Authentication and Rate limiting
Now that you've designed a wonderful schema, it's time to share it with the world.
You need authentication.
Both REST and GraphQL are unopinionated.
Rate limiting is similar for both, but more complex schemes might be appropriate for GraphQL.
If you chose REST OR GraphQL, advance to the next section.
Authentication and Rate limiting
Arbitrary nesting! Maybe not on a public API..
Scaling and Performance
Traffic is growing day by day,
you better scale that API before it crashes!
What kind of API did you build?
If you chose to build a REST API, advance to the next section.
If you chose to build a GraphQL API, advance to the following section.
Success! You've built a robust API with all the data and features you need.
Scaling and Performance
If you've designed your API well, scaling is something that REST does great.
While challenging, it is a well documented task.
Scaling and Performance
REST lends itself to HTTP caching.
You can also manage complex requests with per endpoint tuning.
Advance to the next section to see what happens with GraphQL.
Seems to be smooth flying..
Scaling and Performance
Scaling is a little more challenging with GraphQL.
HTTP level request caching not generally possible.
Tuning at a per resolver level.
Scaling and Performance
Be wary of serial resolution of fields
Scaling and Performance
Data loader and proper configuration can help.
Scaling and Performance
You try to scale your GraphQL service.
Alone out in space,
the documentation on edge cases is thin...
and StackOverflow posts on scaling are sparse.
You send out an SOS.
Hopefully everything turns out ok.. Advance to the next section.
Frontend Design and Architecture
Let's rewind one last time and continue.
Building a client web application
Your API is now built, secured and ready to share with the world.
If you chose to build a REST API, advance to the next section.
If you chose to build a GraphQL API, advance to the following section.
Now its time to build a rich web client application.
Building a client web application
You now have a robust REST API.
There is no standardized way to document REST endpoints, but frameworks like Swagger can help.
Service discovery can be a challenge.
Building a client web application
You're ready to write some code.
Unfortunately, you need to write boilerplate to handle interactions with the API such as:
Asynchronous fetching...
Error handling...
Data normalization...
And caching.
Building a client web application
Further optimization for data fetching may be needed.
Your frontend code may need to deal with underfetching and optimize
N+1 requests.
Building a client web application
Your frontend code becomes a cage of complexity.
You are surrounded by N+1 HTTP requests and sharks and there is no escape!
That's no good.. let's try that again with GraphQL.
Building a client web application
You choose to build a web application using your GraphQL API as a backend.
You rapidly prototype queries using tools and autogenerated documentation.
Building a client web application
Relay and Apollo are powerful frameworks that allow you to focus on writing application code.
However, they are opinionated about your application structure and your GraphQL schema.
Building a client web application
const Story = ({ loading, error, data }) => {
if (loading) {
return (<div>Loading the story!</div>)
if (error) {
return (<div>There was an error: {error.message}!</div>)
return (
<div>Title: {data.story.title}</div>
<div>Author: {data.story.author}</div>
<div>Description: {data.story.description}</div>
const client = new ApolloClient({
<ApolloProvider client={client}>
<StoryWithData storyId={1} />
const query = gql`
query myStory ($storyId: String) {
story(id:$storyId) {
passages {
const options = (props) => ({
variables: {
storyId: props.storyId,
const withStoryData = graphql(query, {
alias: 'withStoryData',
const StoryContainer = withStoryData(
Building a client web application
const withCreateStory = graphql(mutation, {
alias: 'withCreateStory',
props: mapMutationToProps,
const StoryFormContainer = connect(
// callback is available in StoryForm component now!
// Pass in values to call the mutation.
const StoryForm = ({ handleCreateStory }) => ({
onClick={() => handleCreateStory(
Create a story!
const mutation = gql`
mutation newStory ($input: StoryInput) {
createStory (input: $input) {
const mapMutationToProps = ({ mutate }) => ({
handleCreateStory: (
) => {
variables: {
input: { title, author, description },
// optimisticResponse: ...,
// update: ...,
Building a client web application
You make more efficient requests from your server.
You write less boilerplate code.
You can easily improve perceived performance through caching and optimistic mutations.
Building a client web application
The web application with GraphQL and Apollo is really coming together.
Everyone shares some cake and pie in the space break room to celebrate.
Mmm, mm.. Turn to the next section.
A parting word before the next adventure
It was long, hard work, but you built a robust web application and API backend.
GraphQL was useful as a general purpose API with productive frameworks for development.
But REST is still a proven and scalable solution.
Next time what will you choose?
If you choose to build a REST API, advance to the next section.
If you choose to build a GraphQL API, advance to the next section.
Thanks for listening!
The Rabbit Hole Podcast: http://bit.ly/2Jous2O
Stride Consulting: https://www.stridenyc.com/careers
Dave Anderson
Thanks for listening!
Icons8 (open source icons):
Open Clip Art:
Code Sample:
Graphene (Python):
Apollo (JavaScript):