Dyan Galih Nugroho Wicaksi
A Simple Person Who Love Code, Share Knowledge and Always Learning about Java, PHP, Linux sysadmin, Android, Javascript.
Specialties: OpenSource, PHP, JavaSE, Android, Javascript, Linux Sysadmin, Webservice, Socket Service.
There is nothing secure in cyberworld
Are We?
OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) is an organization that provides unbiased and practical, cost-effective information about computer and Internet applications.
Let's Encrypt is a certificate authority that launched on April 12, 2016 that provides free X.509 certificates for Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption via an automated process designed to eliminate the current complex process of manual creation, validation, signing, installation, and renewal of certificates for secure websites.(wikipedia)
CloudFlare is designed to accelerate and secure any website. Our system works somewhat like a content delivery network (CDN), but is designed to be much easier to setup and configure.