Different roles in diffusing
Legislative Data
OGP Asia Pacific Regional Conference
Eunjeong (Lucy) Park
The "
V-M loop
As in many other countries, citizens in
South Korea
vote, monitor, vote and monitor, ...
But do we?
More than 40%
don't know their representative
More than 40%
don't show up for elections
What's the problem?
For the average citizen, legislation is:
Enhancing citizen engagement
in Team POPONG
Make it easy
The more understandable, the more knowledge
The more the
knowledge, the more the engagement
Make it feel closer (to our lives)
Many people may not be interested in general legislation
Most are already engaged with their regional issues, personal interests
Make the data easier to access
Enhance user experience
on't wait for the citizens to come; make the data
go to
"Politics in Korea"
Faster page loads, no ActiveXs, RWD
Make it feel closer
Customized bill information based
on region and interests
Realtime bil
l publishing to Twitter
Generates nearly 1/3 of traffic to
Politics in Korea
Mention MPs
What we had to do to build
"Politics in Korea"
Scrape the data
and build APIs of our own
Gather and merge data fragmented among multiple Gvmt. resources
Generate unique IDs for people &
Build Open APIs
But why have the data to ourselves?
Open APIs & data downloads for R&D
https://github.com/teampopong/data-for-rndmultiple Gv
But wait,
Is this something
should do?
The different roles in diffusing data
ryone in a modern society has different characteristics, inte
rests, ways of understanding the world.
Legislative data can be diffused in various formats, perspectives, user experiences.
People may want to make apps based on his/her own perspective.
What Team POPONG thinks:
One person/organ
ization is sufficient for building
easy to use APIs and opening data
for public usage
-- and the best org is the government.
Gvmts can focus on
building building blocks
(i.e., Open APIs, data downloads in machine readable formats)
"... so that civil society can spend less time transforming data and more time applying it to the problems they face"
Popolo project
The South Korea based voluntary group
that automates everything
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