Beard Vape E-liquid: An Overview

Californian eJuice creators Beard Vape Co manage to fit in more flavour combos in just five of their juices than most e-liquid manufacturers do in a range twice that size. There are also some awesome blends which you won’t find anywhere else, such as cheesecake and strawberry flavours mixed together and a cinnamon funnel cake flavoured juice (if you’re not sure what a funnel cake is, then check the flavour descriptions below).


If this juice maker is new to you, then you may by now be wondering about the origin of the brand name, Beard Vape Co. Well, wonder no more as I can reveal that they are so named because they like beards. A lot. Their experience in the juice manufacture world is pretty impressive as well, having started with their own vaping stores in the US before expanding their product to the point where the likes of us at Premium Vape Supply were champing at the bit to import their fantastic flavours.

Now, you certainly don’t need a beard to enjoy Beard Vape e-liquids, which is probably a wise move by the company considering half the earth’s population tends to struggle with them, but a quick glance at their social media pages reveals that they do enjoy plenty of beard-themed fun with their fans and customers.

So if you have some face fuzz yourself, or know somebody who does, why not send them a beard-themed picture of you enjoying their lovely juices for some beard-themed interaction with the juice makers. Or you could just enjoy their high quality yet reasonably priced flavours and create plenty of sky beards of your own.

At Premium Vape Supply, we carry a huge selection of Beard Vape Co. vape juice flavors at very low prices. Based on customer reviews we carry the best Beard Vape Co. E liquids that Beard Vape Co. produces for vapes. Beard Vape Co is far from being like any other vape juice company.

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