Geographical Information Systems and Science:
Case studies, energy and buildings research
Ed Sharp: | | @steadier_eddy
What is GIS?
What is GIS?
Geographical Information Systems
What is GIS?
Geographical Information Science
What is GIS?
Case Studies
MSc GIS: 3D buildings from LiDAR data
MSc GIS: Sea Surface Temperatures
MRes: Fuel Poverty
PhD: Gridded modelling of wind generation
PhD: Gridded modelling of wind generation
PhD: Gridded modelling of wind generation
PhD: Gridded modelling of wind generation
PhD: Hourly variability in wind generation, electricity demand and residual demand
Increased variability in both scenarios, higher capacity factors throughout the later in years under Gone Green on the left, especially in the colder months.
Predictable variability under both scenarios for all years. Little evidence of the impact of heat pumps on the temporal patterns of electricity demand.
The Gone Green scenario experiences greater variability as a result of more wind capacity, particularly offshore.
Wind Generation
Electricity Demand
Residual Demand
PhD: Hourly variability in residual demand
PhD: Spatial analysis
Correlation between generating grid squares for each scenario, 2010 - 2035.
See Sinden (2007) for original method
Blog: Animated maps of renewable energy capacity
Blog: Animated maps of renewable energy capacity
Blog: Animated maps of renewable energy modelling
Blog/UCL: Economy seven meters in GB, cartograms
Mapping: good options exist
Blog/UCl: Animated maps of NOx concentration