Peter the Great


Elana Kopelevich


Russia in the 17th Century

  • Medieval Tsardom
  • Isolated from Europe
  • Feudal system
  • Not very educated

The Line to the Throne

  • Peter is the son of  Tsar Alexis' second wife 
  • Feodor III becomes Tsar at 16
  • Feodor III dies at 22; Ivan V is next in line
  • Ivan V is not fit; Peter is chosen
  • Sophia Alekseyevna says 'nope' 
  • Ivan V  and Peter crowned     co-tsars in 1682 

Sophia Alekseyvnya

  • Acts as regent while Ivan V and Peter I are co-tsars
  • Has a hole cut in the boys' double-throne so she can sit behind them and listen
  • Uses violent tactics to promote her agenda

Peter’s “Toy Army”

  • At ~12, Peter forms "Toy Army"
  • Conscripts peasant children
  • 300+ soldiers in a few years
  • Professional military advisors
  • As kids get older, Peter gets them placed in actual army
  • Power struggle begins to develop with Sophia
  • Sophia attempts a coup; Peter has friends in high places

1689 - 1698

  • 1689 -
    • Defeats Sophia - sends her to convent
    • Marries Eudoxia Lupokhina
  • 1694 - Peter's mother dies
  • 1696 - Ivan V dies
  • 1698 - Divorces Eudoxia - sends her to a convent

Modernizing Russia

  • More hobbies: Spends a year in Holland working in a shipyard under fake name
  • Reforms Russian army
  • Builds Navy from scratch

Great Northern War

  • Aggressive in trying to expand Russia's access to maritime outlets
  • Wages war against Sweden in 1700 (lasts 21 years)
  • Includes: Denmark-Norway, Saxony-Poland, Brandenburg-Prussia, Hanover and  the Ottomon Empire

Saint Petersburg

  • Built between 1703 - 1720's
  • Impressive feat of engineering and architecture
  • "Window to the West"
  • Built by conscripted peasants and Swedish POWs
  • Over 10,000 people die building the city

More Reforms

  • European style

  • Beard Tax

  • Julian calendar

  • Table of Ranks

  • Compulsory education for nobles

  • Tries to get rid of the institution of arranged marriage 

The Russian Empire (and Emperor)

By the grace of God, the most excellent and great sovereign prince Pyotr Alekseevich the ruler all the Russias: of Moscow, of Kiev, of Vladimir, of Novgorod, Tsar of Kazan, Tsar of Astrakhan and Tsar of Siberia, sovereign of Pskov, great prince of Smolensk, Tversk, Yugorsk, Permsky, Vyatsky, Bulgarsky and others, sovereign and great prince of Novgorod Nizovsky lands, Chernigovsky, of Ryazan, of RostovYaroslavl, Belozersky, Udorsky, Kondiisky and the sovereign of all the northern lands, and the sovereign of the Iverian lands, of the Kartlian and Georgian Kings, of the Kabardin lands, of the Circassian and Mountain princes and many other states and lands western and eastern here and there and the successor and sovereign and ruler.

Catherine I

  • Peter's second wife

  • Peter crowns her Empress

  • Rules for 2 years after his death

  • First official female ruler of Imperial Russia

  • Sets legal precedence for a century of women that follow

Peter the Great

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