Élika Ortega
Arab Spring
Occupy movements all over the world
Natural dissasters
Hate speech and verbal abuse are not uncommon
A lot of what we don't want to see online
"Bender Rodriguez" by Source. Licensed under Fair use via Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Bender_Rodriguez.png#/media/File:Bender_Rodriguez.png
(Tully Hansen's "Taxonomy of Twitter Bots")
@HaikuD2 by John Burger
@pentametron by Ranjit Bhatnagar
@tiny_star_fields by katie rose
@infinitedesserts by @getdizzzy
@TwoHeadlines y Darius Kazemi
@wtf_is_lfk by Brian Rosenblum
@ClearCongress by Zach Whalen
@StudiesBot by Mark Sample
@everycolorbot by @vogon
@everyword by A. Parrish
Part of the point of bots is to make sense (not just linguistic sense) out of what they generate
Remediate dynamics of cut-up and experimental art