👶🏽 ❤️ 🤓 📝 🏡
A number-based word, for example:
Numbers as sounds: K9, l8r
numbers as meaning: 411, 007
adding up the number of letters between the first and last and then using that number instead of the middle of the word, wow, what a good
... n7m
Icon made by Dot on Paper from www.flaticon.com
If you internationalise, you design or develop your content, application, specification, and so on, in a way that ensures it will work well for, or can be easily adapted for, users from any culture, region, or language.
W3C Standards
Your web code with templates or placeholders for strings
localised string resources
[Language Tag]-[Subtags]*
en-US, en-GB mn-Cyrl-MN zh-Hant-HK es-419
👶🏽 ❤️ 🤓 📝 🏡
es_MX es_NI en_US zh_Hans_CN en_UK
The most extensive standard repository of locale-specific data
Maintained by Unicode Consortium
Most devs will never see it - usually wrapped in libraries
It's originally in XML
<dayContext type="format">
<dayWidth type="abbreviated">
<day type="sun">dom.</day>
<day type="mon">lun.</day>
<day type="tue">mar.</day>
<day type="wed">mié.</day>
<day type="thu">jue.</day>
<day type="fri">vie.</day>
<day type="sat">sáb.</day>
<dayWidth type="short">
<day type="sun">DO</day>
<day type="mon">LU</day>
<day type="tue">MA</day>
<day type="wed">MI</day>
<day type="thu">JU</day>
<day type="fri">VI</day>
<day type="sat">SA</day>
<dayWidth type="wide">
<day type="sun">domingo</day>
<day type="mon">lunes</day>
<day type="tue">martes</day>
<day type="wed">miércoles</day>
<day type="thu">jueves</day>
<day type="fri">viernes</day>
<day type="sat">sábado</day>
CLDR 'Days' Section for Spanish Language
ECMA 402
It is a way of automatically, seamlessly gathering new source material, publishing it for translation, acquiring translations and integrating them back into the product.