Eli White
Refactoring CSS is scary
Consistently test changes in browsers most devs don't use
Make sure that changing a component in a style guide doesn't have unintended consequences
Manual testing sucks.
CSS / SASSlint → mock browser → selenium → manual (visual) visual (automatic) → visual (manual)
Multiple browsers (Chrome, IE, Safari, Firefox)
Multiple resolutions (css breakpoints)
What about dynamic sections?
3 options.
ImageMagick is the common solution (slow, manual installation)
Done as a service: Applitools
Done in a browser: resemble.js (canvas)
Done in node: node-resemble
...uses a canvas implementation written with ImageMagick
Pure javascript implementation
If reviewing diffs is optional, it won't be done
Require manual review, but low bar to accept
"Approve Button"
Speed: n-pages * m-browsers * k-builds
Luckily there are lots of ways to parallelize this
A name. Seriously. VisualDiffing is *not* sexy
Noise / False positives
Luckily there are lots of low effort ways to improve the diffing option
Some code cleanup
Lets start using it on some ideal projects (roswell)
Try using it with native apps
Special thanks to Christian Bromann
<-- Seriously. I need a new name and logo. I stole this off Google Images