Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

To ensure that I was able to preform at my best during the production of this film, I was issued the task of creating a preliminary film beforehand to make sure that I knew how to work the camera, follow a shot list and storyboard and how to create the different shot types. Before this, I was taught the 180 degree rule, match on action, shot reverse shot and continuity errors in great detail. This helped me when it came to filming my film and even within the preliminary task because I had a chance to try them out, with great success so my skills within this became even better when it came to the actual film. I used all of the rules and regulations that I was taught in my film to make sure that I wouldn't drop marks for not obeying them and making little errors.

Learning the basics

Preliminary task

The Hallowed Woods

Shot types

The preliminary task really allowed me to delve into my ideas when it came to shot types and camera work, more specifically the shots and angles used in the slasher horror genre. I was able to decide which kinds of shots would create the effect that I wanted, such as tension or suspense. High and low angles are used to stress the dominance or weakness of a person; Dutch tilts are used to great a sense of confusion and close ups are used to build tension by showing the expression on the characters face. Having used many of these shot types and angles and rules in my preliminary task, I found it very easy to then apply them to my actual coursework film and I am glad that I was given the chance to practice and perfect these shots.

The Hallowed


The preliminary task 

Rough cut and final cut

By having a rough cut of our slasher horror meant that I could look back a self evaluate what we had produced and improve on the mistakes I had come across to ultimately get a better grade. We also got comments from our teacher on how to improve and these helped immensely because being our teacher, they would know what gets marks and what looks good, so we quickly took the advice. It was advised that we make a chase scene, and this became a difficult task as only myself and Josh turned up out of the group. We did the best that we could between us and with some editing and sound changes, it added to the atmosphere more than it took away from it. In terms of the preliminary task, there wasn't enough time to make a rough and final cut so during the production of that, I wasn't able to correct any mistakes or make any pick up shots and it may have hindered my work in terms of it being up to standard.

Time management

The preliminary task required me to do many things at once, such as create a storyboard, a shot list and a script all in one day. This meant I had to really focus and get down to planning. This also meant that I had practice in said planning and in a capped time period. When it came to my actual film, we were given a long period of time to do this and it allowed me to be really specific and detailed with my planning. I did this to make sure that all of the little details weren't missed out and the planning matched the final product perfectly; otherwise it wouldn't really make sense. I also had practice in having filmed by a certain date. My group filmed quite early on but we were unhappy with the footage and we agreed to film again, bar one member who left. It was difficult finding days where the rest of the group was free but we managed it in the end, finishing filming and editing with some time to spare.

Split planning/Teamwork

This is one part of the task that I came to dislike the most. I felt that my group was extremely dysfunctional when it came to splitting work and many arguments occurred. When set a task, they often either didn't send it to me on time or when they did, it was incomplete or just worded completely wrong and slightly off topic so I ended up redoing it and making it my own work anyway. Having been put with the same people for my preliminary task and my coursework task, I knew that we did not work well with planning so I had come to expect to do the planning by myself, but I was happy to if it meant that I gained a higher grade in research and planning than the others in the group who decided to do nothing.


When I had filmed my preliminary, I then edited it all together on iMovie. Having done this, I then gained experience for when it came to editing my film. It allowed me to understand how the controls worked and how to add music and different filters. I have progressed from this because when I edited The Hallowed Woods, I found that you could import music from iTunes and this meant that I could download my own sounds onto a memory stick, put them into iTunes on the Macs and add them into my film. I did this with the jump scare sound heard when my body is discovered because paired with the fast paced pictures, it adds dramatic effect. I also chose to use my own sounds because the ones found on iMovie did not appeal to me or add to my film.

The Hallowed Woods

Preliminary task

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