This is a live streamed presentation. You will automatically follow the presenter and see the slide they're currently on.
and 99% of people won't look at the code and don't care!
This is your project, and your community! You can craft it to be what you want and need.
"FKiSS" menus
and animation
Distributed as compressed archives (Japanese LHA format)
Typically viewed in a desktop KiSS viewer application
Plain old JavaScript, HTML, and CSS!
git clone (the url you just copied)
e.g. file:///Users/you/path/to/smooch/docs/index.html
These sets all use the same JavaScript and CSS in the /javascript directory.
Please choose something
as small as possible
for tonight.
Typos are great!
Sticking to small, simple changes will help us avoid stepping on each others' toes!
Make an issue describing the problem you want to solve and your idea for solving it!
git push
I hope Smooch has inspired you to open source your projects and to contribute to others' projects!
Let's start making some issues and pull requests! :D
Slides: https://slides.com/emhoracek/deck-5-14
Repo: github.com/emhoracek/smooch
Twitter: @horrorcheck
I work at:
@positiondev // positiondev.com