Why does there need to be a specification?
What's so complicated about a dress-up doll?
Why would anyone make or use this?
"Sailor Moon" by MIO.H
A transparent background like an animation cel
Each graphic in a KiSS doll is a separate CEL file, a custom image format MIO.H created just for KiSS
Indexed color
Allows for transparent backgrounds
Indexed, just like CEL
Each GIF file stores its
own palette
CELs share a common
KCF palette file
KCF allows palette swapping!
KISS - a paper doll program has been developped for computers based on NEC PC-9801VM2 architecture since March 1991. Many people have enjoyed and implemented KISS for other computers. Now KISS is running on many platforms. Now we make a reference manual about new KISS data format, that is, KISS General Specification : KISS/GS and release this.
- K.O.S., via Yav's Kissin Institute of Softwear
"Male and Female Ranma"
by Dov Sherman
"Aylin" by Kimiki (2001)
"Playgirl" by Light (1995)
The OtakuWorld Forums
(archived via Wayback Machine)
"Mariko" by Libby (2001)
Nigel (2002) by Kid and Rick Cramer
Picrew examples
The Sims character creator
Originally tried PNG <img> elements with absolute positioning
Almost worked!
Problem: drag & drop with overlapping items
browser: You definitely clicked scarf.png!
me: *clicks on shirt that is visible beneath the scarf and purse*
Blue-chan (2001) by Her Mad Hatterness
At first the problem was even worse!
How can our JavaScript know what item of clothing is being clicked?
The browser only "sees" the canvas as a flat image!
me: *clicks on literally anything*
browser: you clicked on the canvas!
me: what part of the canvas??
browser: how should I know?
me: *clicks on shirt that is visible beneath the scarf and purse*
browser: you clicked on rgb(0,7,93)
javascript: ah, yes, the long-sleeved shirt!
Blue-chan's blink cycle
In kissDoll.mjs
In kissDoll.mjs
In fkissAction.mjs:
In kissCel.mjs:
In kissDoll.mjs:
In fkissEvent.mjs:
In kissDoll.mjs:
Dolls on Meiker
Me: libbyhoracek.com
My workplace: positiondev.com
Smooch: smoochdolls.com
Github: github.com/emhoracek/smooch
Slides: https://tinyurl.com/smooch-stl2022
Special thanks to:
Clockwork Prince
William Miles