an ethnographic exploration of the research habits of PhD students
Emily Singley
August, 2018
Google Scholar
Hathi Trust
Google Books
finding aids
national library catalogs
library catalog
faculty websites
library databases
"I use Google for everything. I even use it as a portal into stuff the library has."
"I use WorldCat more just because I feel like it shows me more of what the BC Library has than the "Holmes" search. ... And then, if we don't have it, I can quickly see how long it would take to get it."
"When I want to download something through BC's databases it takes like 6-7 steps. One click should be enough."
"It's not user friendly at all."
"When I go into ProQuest, it fails somewhere along the way and leads to a generic ProQuest page. ...that one I eventually found at BU."
"I could find the articles but then I couldn't actually read them."
"I see it on Google, get the link and copy and paste into SciHub and there's the article - that's it."
"so far there is nothing that I couldn't find there [on SciHub]"
Q. What could the Library improve?
A. "Just do what SciHub does."
"ILL is just fantastic - everyone thinks that."
"I was really impressed that ILL was able to find two primary sources from Germany"
"Even that microfilm, which I thought was unfindable, they were able to come up with."
"Totally blew my mind - I would not have guessed that it was in Utah, but here it is!"
"Since it was ILL I had like a month expiration date so I've had to turn them back in."
"The only frustrating thing would be the length of the loan periods."
"The most frustrating thing is the loan time can be rather brief."
"There is no way I can give this back now. Because I'm using it."
"There's like a stigma against recalling books among grad students."
"I've been having a lot of books recalled. That's a very logistical problem in organizing my research."
"I've been getting a lot of books recalled. How am I going to keep these books? Am I just going to be a delinquent? Or do I recall them again, and we get into a recall war?"
"I have a book now I was trying to scan because the library wants it back and I couldn't find it online."
"They kept recalling my books back .. I'm tired of dealing with this, so I'm just scanning them."
"I stopped re-ordering them because I don't have time and I started scanning."
"I'm spending two hours [scanning] today."
"I even ordered it in Amazon, because I checked the Library and they don't have it."
"If I know I'm going to need it for like ever ... I'll just buy it on Amazon."
"There was one really obscure journal that I couldn't get through BC, but I paid like five bucks and I could see the article for like a week so I just crammed it."
"I cannot wait a week, there's no way. .. so I just ordered it right away in Amazon - very expensive!"