The Essentials of Leadership and Mentorship by Erica Villalon


Erica Villalon has been a mentor, a Forex trader, and an instructor for many years. Her leadership and mentoring qualities are outstanding. She plays her role both online and in physical gatherings.


Her influence in the mentoring and leadership world is hinged on foundational aspects including trustable relationships, clear role definition, establishing goals, employing supportive and open communication, and solving issues collaboratively.Those who are inexperienced at the workplace can acquire skills and be progressive and productive as well.





Erica starts by developing an atmosphere of trust so as to effectively handle her duties. When a mentor and mentee do not know each other, there is a hindrance against their interaction. So, before any mentorship can take place, it is important for the two parties to acquaint with each other.This acquaintance involves warm greetings and then understanding the background of the mentee and their experience at the company. This presents an opportunity for the mentor to build on the present strengths and set appropriate goals they can work towards.




Roles and Responsibilities


Mentorship involves two parties and each party has a role to play. Before starting Erica Villalon ensures that she and her mentee get to highlight the roles they need to play. One of the basic requirements of a mentee is attending the available sessions without fail.







Set Goals



Without goals to achieve in a mentorship class, there would be an endless and aimless learning that might not avail results. The mentor and mentee need to sit down and agree on certain goals that will act as the basis of their classes. These goals should be set such that the mentor can get feedback while the mentee can review the classes. Equally, the mentee needs to get observations from the mentor. Actively listening to each other and timing is part of the deal.





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