Start late spring/summer and run through early fall
Approximate Dates
Start : 6/2016*
End: around 9/15/2016
Projects are not set in stone. We have three candidate project areas offering the opportunity for students to get involved and learn across a spectrum of technical abilities.
Intention of operating internships as a CSE 197 (field study)
Experiment, test and implement a variety of reusable VR interface controls in a WebVR environment. Continue work on Dr. Shulze's CSE 198 group research project: "Toolbelt hierarchical menu system" by extending the Unity prototype and porting to WebVR Environment.
Potential Features:
Explore capabilities and best practices for photogrammetry: capture techniques, mesh reconstruction and post-processing using open source toolchain(s).
Build a parameterized virtual exhibition hall in Vizor to showcase photogrammetric captures of historically significant sculptures made by Cosmo Wenman's
Potential Features: