
Why not JavaScript?

$ whoami
Erik Wallin
Full stack developer
Consultant at DevCode
interface Person {
  firstName: string;
  surName?: string;
class Demo {
  company: string;
  constructor(company, private presenter: Person) {
    this.company = company;
  greet() {
    alert(this.presenter.firstName + ' says hello to ' + this.company);
let erik = <Person>{firstName: 'Erik'};
let demo = new Demo('Init', erik);

What is TypeScript?

  • Transpiles to Javascript
  • Superset of Javascript
  • Optional static typing
  • Classes (exist in ES6 as well)
  • Developed and maintained by Microsoft


  • Eco System
  • Problems with Javascript
  • TypeScript Features
  • Tooling etc
  • TypeScript top 5 list

Eco System

What is an eco system?

  • Libraries
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Tooling
  • Build systems
  • Soft requirements
    • Documentation
    • Community
    • Big on StackOverflow/Google
    • Easy to find competence
    • Commercial Support

Our challenge for next web project

  • Should set the baseline for our web frontend applications.
  • History of various JS frameworks/libraries
    • "Legacy" web with plain JS (ES5), SpineJS, etc.
    • Successful app/desktop with own stack (Cordova/nw.js, CoffeeScript, strict conventions, libraries)
  • More full stack developers now than experts (no juniors)

Why did we choose TypeScript?

  • We didn't, we chose Angular2
    • TypeScript is first class citizen in Angular2
  • We are not afraid of new languages

Problems with Javascript

Just a few of them...

  • Forgiving, but confusing
  • Easy to start with, difficult to master
  • Prototype based languages not always understood correctly
  • Difficult patterns for normal usages.
    • ​E.g. module pattern
  • ​'this' in callbacks is confusing for beginners and backend developers.
  • Note: ES6 is much better than ES5

== vs ===

[0] == 0; //true
[1] == [1]; //false
[1] == "1"; //true
  • === requires same type, == implies a type conversion

Javascript equality table

Dirt from production code

// Quiz time!!!
init: function () {
  this.constructor.__super__.init.apply(this, arguments);

// Creates an array of the array-like 'arguments'
var args = 1 <= arguments.length ? [].slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
// This is a more correct way, still strange.
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);

Javascript WAT

 Band-Aid: 'use strict';

‘use strict’;

myVar = 4711; // error

More Band-Aid: ESLint/JSHint

  • Detect errors and potential problems in JavaScript code.

  • Dangerous constructions (e.g. prohibit  ==)

  • Styling/coding conventions (spaces, indentation, etc)

  • Should be in a build step

TypeScript Features

Superset of Javascript

  1. Take an existing javascript file
  2. Rename it to <*>.ts
  3. Compile with tsc (typescript compiler)
  4. Results in a js file

ES6 features

  • Classes
  • Block scoping with let/const
  • Arrow functions
  • For-Of operator
  • and a lot more, ES6 was a huge update

Static typing

// Declaration
let s: string;
//s = 1; // <-- compile error

// Function declaration
let fn = function(a: number): string {
  return "" + a;

// type inference
let name = "kalle";

// Own types
interface Person {
  firstName: string;
  surName?: string;
  age: number;

// Returns either number or string
let getSomething = function(person: Person): number | string {
  if (person) {
    return person.age;
  } else {
    return person.firstName;

Extra types

  • Enum
  • Any
  • void
  • Union types, e.g. string | number
enum Color {Red, Green, Blue};
let color: Color = Color.Green;

let myAny: any = "someString";
myAny = 1;

function warnUser(): void {
    alert("This is my warning message");


  • Define contracts for objects
    • Code completion in your IDE
    • Note: Only compile time
  • OO/Polymorphism
    • https://www.typescriptlang.org/play/index.html
interface Person {
  firstName: string;
  surName?: string;
let erik = <Person>{firstName: 'Erik'};


  • Javascript proposal
  • Enable "experimentalDecorators"
import {Component} from '@angular/core';

    selector: 'my-app',
    template: '<h1>My First Angular 2 App</h1>'
export class AppComponent { }


  • A lot happened in ES6
  • Define optional parameters
  • Overloading
  • Generics (in classes as well)

Tooling etc

tsc - TypeScript Compiler

  • Transpile to Javascript
  • Bundling
  • Source maps
  • Definition files (*.d.ts)
  • Output format (ES level, module format)
$ cat tsconfig.json 
  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "es5",
    "module": "commonjs",
    "moduleResolution": "node",
    "sourceMap": true,
    "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
    "experimentalDecorators": true,
    "removeComments": false,
    "noImplicitAny": true,
    "suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors": true

IDE support

  • Static typing makes code completion in IDEs much better.
  • Compilation errors when you write code
  • IntelliJ / Visual Studio Code

Type definition files

  • Defines APIs
  • tsc generates type definition files
  • How about external libs not written in TypeScript?
  • lib.d.ts included

Typings (and tsd)

  • Repository for type definition files with no own d.ts
  • JQuery, Lodash, Jasmine etc

Adds complexity

  • It has never before been so hard to build hello world on the frontend side.
  • Are there special JS build system engineers out there?

Easy to learn

  • Our full stack developers like TypeScript
    • Static typing
    • Tooling

TypeScript top 5 list

TypeScript top 5 list

  5. Static typing implies better IDEs

TypeScript top 5 list

  4. TypeScript is a superset of Javascript
  5. Static typing implies better IDEs

TypeScript top 5 list

  3. Our full stack developers like TypeScript

  4. TypeScript is a superset of Javascript
  5. Static typing implies better IDEs

TypeScript top 5 list

  2. ES6 / TypeScript / CoffeeScript is the way forward
  3. Our full stack developers like TypeScript
  4. TypeScript is a superset of Javascript
  5. Static typing implies better IDEs

TypeScript top 5 list

  1. Choose system, language is just a small part
  2. ES6 / TypeScript / CoffeeScript is the way forward
  3. Our full stack developers like TypeScript
  4. TypeScript is a superset of Javascript
  5. Static typing implies better IDEs

Thank you!


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