{{#if model.length}}
More than one item in the model.
Model is empty.
acceptance: tests that interact with the whole application
unit: tests the smallest pieces of testable software in the application to determine whether they behave as expected
integration: verify the communication paths and interactions between components to detect interface defects
ember new [app name] ember serve
ember generate route [route name]
ember generate component [component-name]
Example component handlebars // js source
ember generate controller [name]
ember generate service [service-name]
An Ember object that lives for the duration of the application
Can be available to different parts of your application.
ember install [addon]
ember-cli-sass ember-cli-babel ember-moment ember-with-redux ember-simple-google-maps
Let you declare functions as properties. Observe changes made to the properties they depend on and are dynamically updated.
Some types of computed properties are very common, so Ember provides macros for brevity.
React == Facebook && Facebook == "👎🏽" Ember == (ace community && contributors) == "👍🏽"