Oh, it was great. I went to a conference about this programming language. It is a statically typed language with type inference that compiles to native code, with great support for functional programming and strictly monadic error handling. And it's not even garbage collected!
So how was your weekend?
Statically typed
Dynamically typed
interface Typing {
static void foo() {
int x = "foo";
static void main(String[] args) {
fun foo (x:int) (y:string) = x + y;
print "hello\n";
function foo() {
var x = undefined;
def foo():
x = 3 + [2, 3]
print "hello"
Statically typed
without type inference
Statically typed
with type inference
fun plusOne x = x + 1;
val two = plusOne 1;
int plusOne(int x) {
return x + 1;
int two = plusOne(1);
When you hand your source code to a program, what happens?
Java is a compiled object-oriented statically typed language
Standard ML is a functional statically typed language with type inference that is usually interpreted, but sometimes compiled.
JavaScript is an interpreted object-oriented dynamically typed language