Social Orientation course

Agentschap Integratie & Inburgering




Lesson #1 General Information

Lesson #2 The education system

Lesson #3 Lifelong Learning


In this presentation you will receive information about the education system of the Flemish community

At the end we will ask you to think of 5 differences with the education system in your home country

Does this system looks familiar to you?

Hopefully at end of this presentation it does!

Stages in the education system

  1. Elementary education
  2. Secondary education
  3. Higher education

1. Elementary education

Elementary education (basisonderwijs) comprises

1.1 Pre-school education (kleuteronderwijs)

1.2 Primary education (lager onderwijs)

1.1 Pre-School education

  • For children from 2,5 to 6
  • Not obligatory but almost all children participate in pre-school education

Benefits? Social & language skills, identification of special needs, etc.

  • For children from 6 to 12

  • Children have to achieve learning goals every year in order to go to the next year.

1.2 Primary education


  • Mathematics
  • Reading and writing
  • Social orientation
  • Physical education,  including swimming

Secondary education (secundair onderwijs) is for pupils from 12 to 18

2. Secondary education

  • It contains three stages (graden) of two years

  • In the 1st stage (1e graad) a common curriculum is offered

  • At the start of the 2nd stage (2e graad) : Pupils make a choice of study  between four types of education 

Types of education in secondary education

  1. General secondary education (ASO) focuses on general education. It doesn't prepare for a specific profession, but rather lays a firm foundation for higher education.

  2. Secondary education in the arts (KSO) combines a  general education with an active practice of art. After KSO you may practice a profession or transfer to higher education.

  3. In technical secondary education (TSO) attention goes in to general and technical-theoretical subjects. After TSO you may practice a profession or transfer to higher education. This type of education also contains practical training.

  4. Vocational secondary education (BSO) is a practically-oriented type of education in which you receive general education but where the focus primarily lies on learning a specific profession.

Acces to higher Education

In Belgium, a certificate of upper secondary education grants unrestricted access to higher education.


! In the 3rd stage of BSO the successful completion of a 3rd year is necessary to obtain the certificate of secondary education

Extra: Educational Assistance

In the education system of the Flemish Community pupils can receive assistance from a student guidance centre = CLB

  • Every CLB has a team of doctors, nurses, psychologists, pedagogues and social workers.
  • The CLB  is responsible for
    • medical school supervision
    • free help with learning difficulties, psychological and social problems

Extra: OKAN

  • If children cannot speak Dutch, they are entitled to reception classes or OKAN Classes 
  • When they have sufficient proficiency in the language, they move on to a standard class.

Check this video about an OKAN-class

Extra: Special Needs Education

  • Besides mainstream education there exits special needs education (buitengewoon onderwijs).

  • It is organized for children who need temporary or permanent specific support because of a physical or mental disability, serious behavioural or emotional problems or severe learning disabilities.

Sinds 2014 there are more measures which allow pupils with specific educational needs to participate fully, effectively and an equal terms in regular schools and classrooms.

We are almost there!

You received information about the first 2 stages, now we will go to the last one

  • Higher education contains programmes which result in the degree of bachelor, master and doctor.
  • Also higher vocational education (HBO5) is part of the level of higher education.

3. Higher education

Higher education involves different types of programmes:

1) HBO5 programmes: short, practical courses

2) Professional Bachelor's:

programmes of 3 years (180 credits) aimed at practicing a profession. After a Bridging programme (schakelprogramma) they give access to a Master.


For example: nurse, social assistent, tourism, office management, etc.

Higher education involves different types of programmes:

5) Doctorate:  specialised course following a Master's. The main activity is scientific research.

3) Academic Bachelor's offer access to 4) Master's: programmes that focus on advanced scientific or artistic knowledge or competences which are needed  for practicing a profession.

For example:       Civil engineering, history, psychology, medicine, etc.

2 options:

  1. You have a certificate of secondary education in Belgium: you can enrol directly with the school
  2. You have a certificate from another country: ask permission from the school before enrolling

Some colleges or universities offer a preparatory year for foreign-speaking students

Access to Higher education

Important websites

You want more information about the education system?

How to register for a school in Brussels?

You need advice on education?

You made it!

Remember we asked you to think of 5 differences to the education system in your home country: you need to write them in the assignment


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