Graduate of WIT | Physics with Computing
A regular guy
5 min
5-10 min
15-30 min
5 min
*Actually not space; stratosphere.
How did it work?
Glider body (and box)
Basic servo control
Balloon/Glider cable
Bluetooth module
Parachute release
Power regulator
Tape (30% of structure)
HD Camera
Because it was a poorly thought out idea
It was guesswork built around that idea
It was incremental work
Part list
System Design
Glider V1 (Hermes)
Glider V2 - anon
Phone -(BT)> Arduino
Phone ran Python
Simple, 1-way comms
Bad planning
RasPi -(SPI)> Arduino
RasPi runs similar Python code
2 way comms
SW/Antenna Failure (no backup)
Glider V3 (ICARO)
Glider V2 - anon
RasPi -(I2C)> PCA9685
RasPi runs upgraded Python code
2 way comms + Backup tracker
Interference mitigated
RasPi -(SPI)> Arduino
RasPi runs similar Python code
2 way comms
Glider Part list
Groundstation Part list
Science is interesting
whatever bit you're studying
You don't wake up and feel successful
I think it only happens if you look back
If you have an idea for a project