Web security:
CSRF attacks
Human Talks
Grenoble 10/06/2014
Fabio Lombardi
About me
Research & Development Engineer @ Bonitasoft
1 year and an half as Web Intrusion Tester Consultant
Promo Ensimag and Polytechnic of Turin 2012
Master in IT Security and dev
Web security: owasp top 10
Cross Site Request Forgery
attacker page
- It could be a popular web site clone ( phishing tools ) + hidden iframe or img:
<iframe src=./attack_payload.html width=0 height=0> </iframe>
- action="http://my-site.com/..." works using the session cookie obtained from my-site.com page.
Why It works?
It's a browser feature which is also used in good ways:
e.g. Facebook like or Google + buttons in third parties websites.
The session is kept alive for multiple tabs
- Malicious money transfers
- User creation
- Privilege escalation
- Compromise end-user data
- If the victim is an admin => the entire web application can be compromised
- Examples (today fixed): ING direct, youtube, new york times
The attacker cannot:
read the session cookie
- read the HTTP response
Based on this, the solution is to generate and exchange an X-API-Token ( unique and random ) shared between server and client
server example
client example