Music video was the main task of our A2 project, after researching and analyzing different Sufi-pop and pop rock music videos on different genres we as a group choose Sufi pop followed by the track Noor-e-Khuda. The conventions that can be seen in all the Sufi music videos:
Costume: Traditional clothing representing their own culture.
Expressions: Videos usually feature ;sadness, eye contact, spirituality, hope, forgiveness.
Location: This type of music is mostly presented at old places such as mosques and haveli's as well as recorded at studios (a current example of Coke Studio in Pakistan).
Lighting: The lights used in the music video vary from narrative to narrative, from low key to high key.

Imagery: The video is produced without any animations.

Editing: Many cuts are used such as fast cuts,fade out, fade in and soft cuts. Warmth and other tools are used to make it more realistic

Sufi music brings its audience towards the surroundings easily.
Camera work:(shots) long shots are a common part other than this mid shot, full shot, close-up.
(Angles) High angle, low angle, over the shoulder, eye level.

Coming towards my music video different angle and shots are utilised to capture each moment.​



The band for the music video was captured in traditional clothes 'Salwar Kameez' following the conventions of the sufi artists, accessories and shawals were worn. Making it more realistic makeup was not utilised and no such hairstyles were made, following the genre.

The narrative of our music also followed the conventions as the mother was dressed in eastern wear. The mother wore dark clothes signifying grief whereas during the flashback the mother was shown in bright clothes (clelebrating the happy moments with the children).

The young boy acting as the son is shown in the APS unifrom (western clothes)


In our music videos a lot expressions are shown.The narrative part of the video contains downhearted expressions of the mother due to the loss of a son.However, as the video come towards the end the mother is shown happy and sending his 2nd son to the same school.

In the performance the artists are serious following the mournful incident (narrative).The artists had different gestures while performing as looking up at the sky indicating hope, closing their eyes showed how deep the artists are gone while performing, stapping the feet with beat of the guitar with a smile on the face.


The performance was shooted at a rooftop breaking the convention as mostly sufi music is performed at traditional or historical places such as mosques,tombs,haveli's.The empty rooftop used signifies closeness to God.The artists got the feel of hope 'ASS' asking from God.

The narrative of the music video took place at a house.This shows that the mother has looked herself inside after the loss of his son. She's shown struggling with herself to overcome the tragedy.

Camera work

Through out our music video from the narrative to the performance lots of closeups are shown so the expressions of the mother are highlighted. Apart from the mother closeups, closeups, midshots and long shots of the artists and the insrtruments played are also there following the convetions of Sufi music.


Mid shots



In our music video the lighting is different in the narrative and the performnace highlighting it in a different perspective.Usually Sufi music is seen in low key lighting dennoting sadness. That's what we tried to show. Doing the performance at night and using the yellow lights showed a shadowy depressed performance.

In the narrative all was mixed with high-key and low-key lighting as seen in the flashback that showed joy, was in bright colors.


While editing a lot of cuts were added from fast to slow cuts. Transitions were used to make it more realistic.

Our music video is highlighting an important issue which is left unseen by most of the people as these incidents are happening occasionally in Pakistan targeting muslims, the unbelieveable horrendous terrorist attack on the Army Public School Peshawar.This attack took away the lives of 144 children. The video presents a story of one the families who witnessed the incident and lost their beloved son. Like this story many other families lost their sons and daughters. Instead of doing a complete performance based video we decided to cover this story after the event. This video doesnot have a specific age group to target because now it is the time to open our eyes and fight against these attacks.

As it can be seen our music video Noor-e-Khuda starts with the sound of the gunshots and soon afterwards the news reporter reporting representing the family of the Army Public School.The start of the video shows that the mother is sad putting the plates on the dining table but stops when she come towards the chair his son used to sit. Packing the books back to the box because theres no one at home of his age to read the books and the breaking of the frame with the picture of his son showing that his son is no more.


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