Florian Demmer - www.floriandemmer.com
django-admin startproject
Django Friends Meetup, 2016-01-25
Creates a Django project directory structure for the given project name in the current directory or the given destination.
mkvirtualenv foo pip install django django-admin startproject foo
in Django v1.9
python -m django startproject foo
make settings a package
split into base+dev+prod
move apps to subfolder
create gitignore, version.py, README
repetitive work!
python -m django startproject --template=https://github.com/fdemmer/django_project_template/archive/master.zip foo
# pip install pip-tools # vi requirements.in wagtail==1.3.1 <esc>:wq # pip-compile requirements.in # cat requirements.txt wagtail==1.3.1 django-modelcluster==1.1 # via wagtail django-taggit==0.18.0 # via wagtail ...
Django docs:
my template: https://github.com/fdemmer/django_project_template
cookie cutter: https://github.com/pydanny/cookiecutter-django
me: http://www.floriandemmer.com
my twitter: @fdemmer
slides: https://slides.com/fdemmer