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Proforest Group Highlights 2015-2016

Us a con re dunt, sit init porum fugiatiae et aliquiam fugia con res dolentem et, quam, eum dolore, ea des eum fuga. Vid que nihilluptin nus esequo tem ipsunt ut mosa vent pe ex eum, veruptis volorum intiuntorem apel iscipsande coreperovid quo eserupt uribearchit minum explaccus nis molupta eumquo et qui as erumquibus mi,

Proforest Mission and Values

About Proforest Group

Us a con re dunt, sit init porum fugiatiae et aliquiam fugia con res dolentem et, quam, eum dolore, ea des eum fuga. Vid que nihilluptin nus esequo tem ipsunt ut mosa vent pe ex eum, veruptis volorum intiuntorem apel iscipsande coreperovid quo eserupt uribearchit minum explaccus nis molupta eumquo et qui as erumquibus mi,

Many responsible consumer goods companies have made commitments to ensure that the products they sell containing, for example, palm oil, are not contributing to deforestation and environmental damage. We support many companies to trace their complex supply chains, identify the producers that supply them and work with the producers to implement environmentally and socially responsible practices on the ground. 


15 palm oil

supply chain


As well as soy, sugar and
product companies 

In 12 producing countries


Musim Mas 

Working with Rainforest Alliance and Daemeter Consulting, we’re supporting Musim Mas – one of the world’s largest integrated palm oil businesses – to meet their commitments to traceability in their palm oil supply chain. Read more here.


AAK - AarhusKarlshamn

Since 2014 we’ve supported AAK to develop and implement its policy commitments to sustainable palm oil by validating the traceability of supplies; carrying out risk assessment of suppliers and verification assessments of higher risk mills. Read more here.


Tropical Forest Alliance

In 2015 and 2016 Proforest helped TFA 2020 draw together government, private sector and non-governmental representatives to agree national guidelines for palm oil production in six African countries. We’re working with TFA 2020 to expand this initiative to Latin America. Read more here. 



Early in 2015 Target announced their commitment to have fully traceable and sustainably sourced palm oil in all their owned brand food, personal care and cleaning products by 2018. As a first step, we’re working with their supply chain to identify where their palm oil comes from.
Read more here.


Many ways to learn

We share our knowledge and experience with professionals from government, private sector and civil society through a wide range on training courses and capacity building programmes. Our International Training Programme works with several partners to run courses for palm oil producers and auditors on palm oil sustainability, as well as understanding what and how to conserve important values in the landscape. We mentor young professionals in Africa through practical capacity building programmes, and welcome interns into our daily work.  

In 2015 we ran 

Attended by




Practising for a sustainable future

Governments, private sector and civil society in Africa all need skilled, experienced people to implement more sustainable policies and practices for natural resource management. The Africa Practitioners Network provides formal training and hands on capacity building to help them understand, implement and monitor key initiatives to improve the management and governance of natural resources. Read more here.


Africa Practitioners Network:
Highlights from the first two years

The Africa Practitioners Network was established in 2014 with the aim of building practical capacity among governments, companies and NGOs to understand, implement and monitor key initiatives to improve management and governance of natural resources.


Getting to grips with palm oil 

Across the tropics, large producers, smallholders, auditors and other stakeholders need to implement and assess compliance with RSPO certification requirements. With specialised courses for producers and auditors in four languages we share that knowledge through in-depth, small group training sessions. 


Widening the scope by moving on-line 

In 2016, a major focus of our training programme has been to move parts of or whole courses on-line. This has huge potential to reach participants who could not attend our courses in person, and enables us to extend learning by covering more topics in greater depth. 

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