SELECT * FROM the_basics

What's SQL?

  • Hem... You should know 😈 It's a declarative database query language, AKA Structured Query Language
  • There's a standard. Or 200. Each flavor of SQL is actually slightly different, we won't go in details
  • Some are strongly typed, other not.


Create - INSERT

INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, column3, ...)
VALUES (value1, value2, value3, ...); 

Note that if the table has more columns than specified in the clause, null will be inserted


SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name; 
SELECT * FROM table_name; 

Update - UPDATE

UPDATE table_name
SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2, ...
WHERE condition; 

Warning: don't forget the condition. Why you say? Go figure it out :)

Delete - DELETE

DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition;

Warning: don't forget the condition. Why you say? Go figure it out :)


Joins and Columns

When returning result, you'll get columns from A and B together, and A or B columns may be set to null if outer join.

Join the columns of two tables based on a shared condition


JOIN new_table

   ON existing_table.column = new_table.column

      AND other_conditions

Default JOIN is inner JOIN

Watch outs


- Can lead to repeated data

- Exponentially large result set

- Be deliberate in what the conditions are

- Inner joins will exclude data from both tables

- Check that the data makes sense before calling it a day


Data types

Each DB will have its own types, but here's a few common ones

  • Varchar is closest to "String" it will have a max length
  • Text is also closest to "String", unspecified max length
  • Various numbers (int, decimal, float...)
  • Dates. Format usually is 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'. Sensible!
  • Timestamp - well, that's an int. At least it's stored like taht, depends of implementation
  • Casting is a thing:
  • CAST(<value> AS <type>)

Useful clauses


 -- starts with Fab, any cahrs after
select firstname from persons where names LIKE 'Fab%';
-- % means any chars
select firstname from persons where names LIKE '%ab%'; 
-- _ mean any 1 char
select firstname from persons where names LIKE 't_t_'; 

This is an expensive operation, it's better to do an exact match or at least use % at the end, not the beginning


select firstname from persons where firstname IN ('Fabrice', 'Chris');
select firstname from persons where firstnam NOT IN ('Fabrice', 'Chris');


select firstname from persons where firstname IS NULL;
select firstname from persons where firstname IS NOT NULL;

Note that we can't use firstname = NULL


-- Get only the 1st record
select firstname from persons LIMIT 1;

Each implementation is different


Give a table an alias so that you don't have to type out the full name.

SELECT tn.column1
FROM table_name AS tn
JOIN second_table st
  ON tn.id = st.id


Rename a column to something more useful or to differentiate between two different columns with the same name.

SELECT tn.column1 AS fancy_column,
FROM table_name AS tn
JOIN second_table st
  ON tn.id = st.id


SQL has a number of functions.

Usually used to transform a value, or for aggregation.

Note this again varies a lot from implementation to implementation


-- All Date functions - datediff, adddate, ...
-- All String functions - concat, substring, ...
-- All numeric functions - round, ...

SELECT IF(500<1000, "YES", "NO"); 
SELECT CAST("2017-08-29" AS DATE); 

SELECT OrderID, Quantity,
    WHEN Quantity > 30 THEN "The quantity is greater than 30"
    WHEN Quantity = 30 THEN "The quantity is 30"
    ELSE "The quantity is under 30"
FROM OrderDetails; 

Group By

Group By is used in a SELECT statement to aggregate rows.
Let's say you have a Book table with author & title, you can run the following query to see how many books each other wrote:

select author, count(*) from books group by author;

Something people are often tempted to do, but doesn't work:

select author, parution_date, count(*) from books group by author;

The engine has no way to choose which book it should take the Parution_date from


People are often confused by "Having" clause.
I think one way to see it is - it's like a WHERE clause, but that happens AFTER the aggregation. Here's an example:

select author, count(*) from books group by author HAVING count(*) > 1;

Something people are often tempted to do, but doesn't work:

select author, parution_date, count(*) from books group by author;

The engine has no way to choose which book it should take the Parution_date from

Just for fun - Do you see what that does?

SELECT author, YEAR(parution_date) as parution_year, count(*) AS book_count FROM books 
GROUP BY author, YEAR(parution_date) HAVING count(*) > 0 
ORDER BY parution_year ASC, book_count DESC;

Order By

-- Ordering 
select * from persons order by lastname DESC, firstname DESC


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