Tell the children that you are thinking of something that Heavenly Father planned and Jesus Christ created. Ask the children to guess what you are thinking of. Give the following hints, one at a time:
It makes us feel warm.
It is round and yellow.
Then give hints:
black and white sheets of paper: I am thankful for the day and the night---cut-out sun and moon and stars
glue sticks and crayons
review This Little Fellow
cut out of sun, moon, and stars?
Sing: You are my sunshine-when it is daytime, I see the sunshine
Sing: Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam
Sing: I am like a star shining brightly
How do we know it is daytime? What do we do during the day? Work, play, and help others. Act out things you do during the day, including things we can do to help others. Then sing "Fun to do" with the suggestions.
Tell the children that the sun gives us light so we can see. The sun also warms us and helps the plants grow. We would not be able to live on the earth without the sun.
What do we call the time when it is dark? (Night.)
What did Heavenly Father have Jesus put in the sky to light the night? (Moon and stars.)
Have the children tell about or act out some of the things they do at night, such as saying bedtime prayers, listening to stories, brushing their teeth, or sleeping.
Explain that some people, such as doctors, nurses, and firefighters, work at night, but most of us use the night to sleep. Many animals also sleep at night.
Why do we sleep? Heavenly Father wants us to take good care of our bodies.
white and black sheets of paper that say "I am Thankful for the Day and Night"
Glue on moon and sun and stars
draw things we do in the day and things we do at night