Charades with water activities:
brushing teeth
taking a shower
washing hands
watering a plant
taking a drink
cut up tissue paper
spray bottle
6 cardstock with I am Thankful for Water printed on each
ball for passing around
water bottle and dixie cups
plant and extra cup to water it with?
Why is water so important to us?
How do we get our water?
Sources of water: rivers, lakes, oceans, rain, and snow
*melt a big chunk of ice or snow
Do the following actions as the children pretend it is raining—softly at first, and then gradually harder.
Sing "Give Said the Little Stream"-passing ball around
sing fun to do with things that need water
brushing teeth
washing clothes
water plants
wash hands
Explain that all living things, including people, animals, and plants, need water to live. If possible, give each child a small cup of water to drink. Talk about how our bodies could not live without water to drink.
Let them each have a turn watering a plant
something that uses water
Tell story of Jesus giving water to the Israelites in the desert
Explain that the people were in a hot, dry desert. There was no water there.
Materials: Paper, tissue paper, spray bottles, waterbubbles!