Cofree is dual to Free.
data Free f a = Pure a | Free (f (Free f a))
data Cofree f a = a :< (f (Cofree f a))
But why dual??
Why is Reader dual to Env (Coreader)?
Why is Writer dual to Traced (Cowriter)?
Why is State (Reader composed with Writer) dual to Store (Costate, a.k.a. Env composed with Traced)?
Without delving into much category theory, the duality can be explained with adjunctions!
instance Functor f => Comonad (Cofree f) where
extract (x :< _) = x
extend f c@(_ :< xs) = f c :< (extend f <$> xs)
What other dualities can we observe? (spoiler: A LOT!!!!)
A functor F is left adjoint to the functor G (conversely, G is right adjoint to F) if and only if for every a and b there exists a bijection between the sets of functions F(a) -> b and a -> G(b) (fig. 1) that is natural (fig. 2).
A functor F is left adjoint to the functor G (conversely, G is right adjoint to F) if and only if for every a and b there exist
Let's not forget what subject this is :)
{-# LANGUAGE MultiparamTypeClasses #-}
class (Functor f, Functor g) => Adjunction f g where
leftAdjunct :: (f a -> b) -> (a -> g b)
rightAdjunct :: (a -> g b) -> (f a -> b)
unit :: a -> g (f a)
counit :: f (g b) -> b
leftAdjunct f = fmap f . unit
rightAdjunct g = counit . fmap g
unit = leftAdjunct id
counit = rightAdjunct id
{-# MINIMAL unit, counit | leftAdjunct, rightAdjunct #-}
A handful of times defining the (co)unit in the instance is easier than defining the adjunctions. Hence we're gonna be focusing on them.
counit @(f a) . fmap @f (unit @a) ≡ id @(f a)
fmap @g (counit @a) . unit @(g b) ≡ id @(g b)
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingFunctor, InstanceSigs, LambdaCase, MultiparamTypeClasses #-}
data Void1 p deriving Functor
data Unit1 p = Unit1 deriving Functor
instance Adjunction Void1 Unit1 where
unit :: a -> Unit1 (Void1 a)
unit _ = Unit1
counit :: Void1 (Unit1 b) -> b
counit = \case {}
Have you ever heard someone say that the empty datatype and the unit datatype are dual? Voila!
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingFunctor, InstanceSigs, LambdaCase, MultiparamTypeClasses #-}
data (f |+| g) a = Left1 (f a) | Right1 (g a) deriving Functor
data (f |*| g) a = f a :*: g a deriving Functor
instance (Adjunction f g, Adjunction f' g') => Adjunction (f |+| f') (g |*| g') where
unit :: a -> (g |*| g') ((f |+| f') a)
unit x = leftAdjunct Left1 x :*: leftAdjunct Right1 x
counit :: (f |+| f') ((g |*| g') b) -> b
counit = \case
Left1 fp -> rightAdjunct (\(gb :*: _) -> gb) fp
Right1 f'p -> rightAdjunct (\(_ :*: g'b) -> g'b) f'p
This kind of explains the duality between Free and Cofree, but we'll get back to them in a jiffy.
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingFunctor, InstanceSigs, MultiparamTypeClasses #-}
-- Env Reader
-- Writer Traced
instance Adjunction ((,) x) ((->) x) where
unit :: a -> x -> (x, a)
unit a = \x -> (x, a)
counit :: (x, x -> b) -> b
counit (x, f) = f x
Now you know.
Wait a moment. "unit" looks suspiciously like "return" for the State monad, and "counit" looks suspiciously like "extract" for the Store comonad.
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingFunctor, InstanceSigs, MultiparamTypeClasses #-}
newtype IdentityT f a = IdentityT { runIdentityT :: f a } deriving Functor
instance Adjunction f g => Adjunction (IdentityT f) (IdentityT g) where
unit :: a -> IdentityT g (IdentityT f a)
unit = IdentityT . leftAdjunct IdentityT
counit :: IdentityT f (IdentityT g b) -> b
counit = rightAdjunct runIdentityT . runIdentityT
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingFunctor, InstanceSigs, MultiparamTypeClasses #-}
newtype (g |.| f) a = Comp { runComp :: g (f a) } deriving Functor
instance (Adjunction f g, Adjunction f' g') => Adjunction (f' |.| f) (g |.| g') where
unit :: a -> (g |.| g') ((f' |.| f) a)
unit = Comp . leftAdjunct (leftAdjunct Comp)
counit :: (f' |.| f) ((g |.| g') a) -> a
counit = rightAdjunct (rightAdjunct runComp) . runComp
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingFunctor, InstanceSigs, MultiparamTypeClasses #-}
data Free f a = Pure a | Free (f (Free f a)) deriving Functor
data Cofree f a = a :< f (Cofree f a) deriving Functor
instance Adjunction f g => Adjunction (Free f) (Cofree g) where
unit :: a -> Cofree g (Free f a)
unit x = Pure x
:< leftAdjunct (\funit -> leftAdjunct (\free -> Free (free <$ funit)) x) ()
counit :: Free f (Cofree g a) -> a
counit (Pure (a :< _)) = a
counit (Free ff) = error "IT'S A NIGHTMARE"
Look up Edward Kmett's definition of counit for this instance if you want a challenge.
One of the most basic, but astounding and yet understandable theorems of adjoint functors states that a (co)monad can be generated by composing them in their respective ways.
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs, MultiparamTypeClasses, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
instance Adjunction f g => Monad (g |.| f) where
return :: a -> (g |.| f) a
return = Comp . unit
(>>=) :: (g |.| f) a -> (a -> (g |.| f) b) -> (g |.| f) b
c >>= f = joinComp $ fmap f c
joinComp :: (g |.| f) ((g |.| f) a) -> (g |.| f) a
joinComp (Comp gfcgfa) = Comp $ fmap (counit . fmap runComp) gfcgfa
instance Adjunction f g => Comonad (f |.| g) where
extract :: (f |.| g) a -> a
extract = counit . runComp
duplicate :: (f |.| g) a -> (f |.| g) ((f |.| g) a)
duplicate (Comp fga) = Comp $ fmap (fmap Comp . unit) fga
And thus, State and Store are a monad and a comonad respectively.