(S.Kraaijenzankb, C.Helmersa and Y.Liuc, 2014)
T.Bresnahan, J.Orsini and P.Yin, "Plateform Choice by mobile Apps Developers", 2014
S.Kraaijenzankb, C.Helmersa and Y.Liuc "Innovation without Patents? Evidence from the Mobile Apps Market", 2014
(The Guardian, "iOS v Android: why Schmidt was wrong
and developers still start on Apple", 2012)
Some conclusions inspired by
The Guardian article, "iOS v Android: why Schmidt was wrong and developers still start on Apple"
Different models to support = costly
in terms of development & debugging
Update OS version is a long process: a lot of phones don't run the latest version
Different versions of the OS to support = costly
in terms of development & debugging
For a developer point of view:
(here, innovation is a synonym of new apps released)
Studying only iOS and Android
Incentive to multihome are strong
This lower the cost of innovation
Ex: Google Play, Apple Store
This increase the cost of innovation
Be on top10 of a category is often the key of the success
Some invest in marketing ("incentivized downloads" for ranking)
The developer face a fixed entry cost. Different between plateform.
They suppose that:
Returns are linear in the number of users
Per-customer profits are supposed constant across apps
(no pricing model)
The developer only observe a signal of
the app "reach" on the plateform p:
the fraction of total users of p which use the app
Introduce 2 types of "reach":
The effective demand is given by:
Two data sources:
1044 apps
Very skewed market
Custom and complicated estimation model
to be able to handle the 4 requirements:
predict the probability that a particular developer publishes for either or both platforms and the success, measured as (censored) reach, the app receives there
deal with the problem of selection of potential entrants
accommodate both the parts of the sampling frame (Tobit)
provide estimates, to the extent there is information in the data to identify them, of the main economic elements of the model
Estimated by ML
Population/sample: sample scheme of comScore thresold
Sample reaches are higher than population reaches
we look at the population row
Potential/Realized: in/out of the top apps
Little differences between Android and iOS in the both reaches: developers are likely to get the same demand
Potential/Realized differences: marketing costs to be at the top can be justify
Wide ranging entrepreneurial experimentation is undercut
Apps are subject to be patented in the US
But it turns out that very few apps are protected by patents
Patents are not very suitable in very dynamic digital industry, in terms of speed, innovation and competitiveness
Other type of returns to innovations, such as secrecy, lead time or complexity.
Producing an app is costly:
creative process, programming & marketing
But the marginal cost is zero
This allow apps repository to be profitable even with the "long tail"
Join apps developers and patent publishers automatically and manually
Filter patents which are not apps related
Then, join patents with apps
European Patent Office (EPO) Worldwide Patent Statistical Database (PATSTAT), version April 2012
Limiting to app developers that rely on apps as their main line of business, the number of potentially patenting app developers collapses
82 directly app-relevant patents for Apple’s App Store from 45 distinct publishers considered to be in the app development business. 0.03% of the total publishers
Be careful: there is a lot of 'imitations' in the apps market, so we can't say that 0.04% of innovations are protected by patents
But, indeed very few apps are patent protected
If popularity is taken as a proxy to innovation, this would suggest that patented apps are more innovative in average
Only for (9,872) apps that received more than 1000 ratings:
So, patented apps may not have a higher value
Subset of 779 Apple Store Apps which:
Identify fast-follower candidate apps by 'related apps' propositions
Eliminate 'related apps' older than the original app
339 manually identified as fast-followers
21% of innovative apps have been copied
Most of them have been copied by only one app
Copying occurs fast: from few days to 1 year
Here, lead time advantage = 1 month without fast-follower