Dipartimentoper la Trasformazione Digitale
Product Designer
Francesco Improta
But we can't sell websites like paintings
— Dan Mall
A responsive design process is like a scandal
— Dan Mall
Creating design systems will give us the flexibility we need for working with the unknown device of the future
- Laura Kalbag
There isn’t a standard definition of ‘design system’ within the web community, and people use the term in different ways — sometimes interchangeably with ‘style guides’ and ‘pattern libraries’.
— Alla Kholmatova @craftui
It’s about systemizing the design. That’s literally all a design system means. That’s not to say only designers can do it.
— Jina @jina sushiandrobots.com
Consistency is one of the most powerful usability principles: when things always behave the same, users don't have to worry about what will happen. Instead, they know what will happen based on earlier experience.
— Jakob Nielsen
We just copied and pasted a pattern, changed a few things, and in twenty minutes we had built a system that was responsive; it looked great on mobile and it was nice to look at. The status page was one of those pages that not a lot of people will see. We call them the dark corners.
— Federico Holdago
The words we choose matter. They represent the ideas we want to bring into the world
— Abby Covert
...as a community we’re starting to get a bit dogmatic about what design systems are and are not.
— Sarah Federman @sarah_federman
A robust design system should contain guiding design principles
— Sarrah Vesselov | @SVesselov
Make it useful
Start with needs. Do research, talk to users. Don't make assumptions
Use a fixed size grid
Respect user feedback for any device
Design what's right, not what's most consistent. Dogmatic consistency and established patterns are not what should drive design decisions
- Michael McWatters, UX Architect, TED
Design systems take care of the boring 80% of what you need to design, freeing you to concentrate your creativity on the interesting and unique 20%.
— Dan Mall
This means we can break entire interfaces down into fundamental building blocks and work up from there. That’s the basic gist of atomic design.
- Brad Frost
Break a component in smaller pieces. If they're basic (image, heading) it's a molecule. If you get smaller components (cards, media ojects) it's an organism.
.o- for global objects
.c- for UI components
.l- for layout-related styles
.u- for utility classes
.is- and .has- for state-based classes
.js- for JavaScript-specific classes
/* btn is Block */
.ds-c-btn {}
/* __icon is Element */
.ds-c-btn__icon {}
/* --secondary is Modifier */
.ds-c-btn--secondary {}
A Design System isn't a product. It's a product serving products
— Nathan Curtis
Pattern library | Function Patterns | Perceptual Patterns |
Airbnb DLS | Components | Foundations |
Atlassian | Components | Foundations |
BBC GEL | Design patterns | Foundations |
IBM Carbon | Components | Style |
Lonely Planet Rizzo | UI Components | Design elements |
Marvel | Components | Design |
Salesforce Lightning | Components | Styles |
Shopify Polaris | Components | Visuals |
The Design System informs the Product Design.
The Product Design informs the Design System.
- Jina Anne
@zetareticoli - francesco@designabile.com