The issue

With digital communication networks comes surveillance

How can we support a society in which there is increased awareness around digital privacy and security?

Our lives are greatly impacted by technologies and the devices we use to connect to the internet

As we use these technologies data is created. The data, in turn, is harvested and collected by companies and governments.

Browsing the internet creates data

Using a cell phone creates data 

The "smarter" the phone the more data it is likely to be creating.
Making calls creates records
Accessing the internet through apps creates records 
Using GPS creates records

This data tells a story about who you are and what you do

How private is this data?

Good question! There is not a clear picture how private our information is, but it is probably good practice to assume that if a record is being created and transmitted over online communications private companies and the government are able to collect and analyze the information.

Most of us are unaware that this is happening, and if we are aware we don't know how it is happening.

(Data creation by almost everyone) + (Collection and monitoring of data) = Potential threats to democracy

The issue is not just a technical problem, it is a legal one as well.

In this site we describe what we have found so far looking into this issue and what we propose for next steps.

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