Pros and Cons of New Media Technologies during

Research & Planning

Microsoft Word:


-The technology is extremely simple to use, and offers a user-friendly interface and a help search if need be.


-Microsoft Word offers a plethora of different tools, such as graph and table wizards, which enabled us to easily and professionally present data, as well as construct documents such as the call sheet & shootboard.


-Pasting and moving images can be convoluted, and you have to select an image wrap option to move photos.


-Word has a number of different versions (e.g 2007, 2010, 2016) which can alter a document if it is transferred in a different format.



-YouTube and sister service Vevo have a vast range of videos and music videos which we were able to use as references during our project. This includes whilst creating a steal-o-matic.


-The site also offers a number of useful features, such as recommended videos, which reduced the time it took to search and pinpoint videos which would influence our project decisions.


-The processing time when uploading videos (not necessarily large files, either) can be absolutely huge.


-Adverts are a regular occurrence before videos which can be annoying. Also, an external service must be used to download videos, as there is no option to do so on the site itself.



-An extremely easy to use webtool, which can support images & videos to help structure a blog entry.


-Is a free-to-use tool. As it is under the Google umbrella, importing content and files from other Google products like YouTube is made very simple.


-Basic knowledge of html is often required - especially when there are occasional formatting issues.


-Positioning images, videos and any framed objects like slideshows and Prezis is very difficult, and you cannot simply drag and drop them.

Online Statistics:


-Statistics are based on a huge range of media factors, from music consumption methods to mobile pho

-Are very informative and relevant - they are often broken down into the demographics which we are aiming to target (e.g 16-24 year olds).


-These statistics and graphs are often (as in the case of Ofcom and BPI) located within a huge pdf document and can be hard to find.


-Some services & websites (Statista being an example) charge money to access certain "premium" statistics, or the most recent data.



-WhatsApp enables instant communication between multiple people. You are also - as well as messages - able to send videos, images and links to webpages.


-The portability of (technologically-converged) smartphones allowed us to contact each other on-the-go.


-WhatsApp requires an internet connection to work - this means that if accessed on-the-go, mobile data often has to be used, which can be expensive.


-Only smartphones are supported. Had a group member not possessed a smartphone (despite the chances being very slim), it would have been difficult to keep in contact as a group.

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