What's Happening Tonight?

Friday 07:45 pm Dinner/Coding Begins/Team Building FORM TEAM ON DEVPOST
08:10 pm Justin Coldrake of ClinicNote
08:30 pm Michael Tutty of GForge
09:00 pm "Your Code Won't Clean Itself" by Shawn Sparks of SquareOne and the DSM Partnership
10:00 pm How to Work on Github Pages
10:30 pm How to Host Your Website/Server

What's Happening Saturday?

Saturday 09:00 am Breakfast by Sukup
12:00 pm Lunch by Tradebot
12:30 pm Matt Koch, Software Engineer at Sukup
02:00 pm
03:00 pm
Rockwell Resume Review
Isaac From Optum "NoSQL Databases"
05:30 pm Andrew Lundberg, Director of Product Development at Workiva: "Gaining Time through Testing"
06:20 pm Dinner by Workiva
7:00 pm MLH Cup Stacking

What's Happening Sunday?

Sunday 08:00 am Stop Coding.
Deadline to submit project to Devpost
08:10 am #SeizeDesMoines Breakfast by the DSM Partnership
09:30 am Project Fair Begins
11:00 am Closing Ceremony Begins
12:00 pm We part part ways until the Fall


MLH hardware Lab

  • Nest Cam and Thermostat
  • Spark Core
  • Arduino Uno
  • Oculus Rift
  • Pebble Smartwatch
  • Muse Headband
  • Myo Armband
  • Leap Motion
  • Intel Edison
  • Fire Phone


  1. Every team member must "Register For Hackathon"
  2. One team member creates your project
  3. Add all team members to the project
  4. Submit your project to HackISU by 8:00 am the 21st

*submit your project early, you can still edit it after submission to HackISU.


How it'll work

  • Begins 9:30 am on Sunday
  • Prepare a 30 second showcase
  • Answer questions
  • Ends at 10:30

Judging Criteria

  • 33% Technical Difficulty
  • 33% Inventiveness
  • 33% Wow Factor

The Judges

Emilee Richardson, Past President of the Greater Des Moines Young Professionals Connection

Brett Harper, VP of Product Development at Workiva

Chris Meinders, Lead Developer at Sukup

Bill Adamowski, Head of Entrepreneurship at the ISU Research Park

Kyle Blocher,

Allen Bierbaum, VP of Technology at Priority5

Mike Vesey, founder of IdentityRamp and President of VCI Inc.

Steve Carter, President of the ISU Research Park


Top Hardware Hack


Top Software Hack


Top Entrepreneurial Hack

    Tickets to Youth Entrepreneurship Convention

2nd Place Overall

    BB-8 Sphero and a Raspberry Pi B2

3rd Place Overall

    Falcon RC Quadcopter

Sponsor Prizes

Best Use of Cloud Technology - Workiva

    Workiva Prize Pack

Best Healthcare and Wellness Hack - Optum

    $250 Visa Gift Card

Best Internet of Things Hack - Vermeer

    SeeedStudio LinkIt ONE, NeoPixel Stick, ESP8266, Sensor

    Module Kit, Solder less breadboard cables, Particle Photon Kit 

Sponsor Prizes

Best Use of GForge API - GForge

    $600 prize

Best Domain.com domain name

    Domain.com Swag Bag.


Tony Bibbs GForge
Michael Tutty GForge Database and API design, enterprise architecture
Chris Meinders Sukup Software Developer
Scott Zogg Rockwell Collins Director of Security Ops & Management
Ben Wehrkamp Rockwell Collins Senior System Engineer
Adam Kaas Rockwell Collins System Engineer
Andrew Santiago Rockwell Collins Senior System Engineer
Heath Verhasselt Optum Project Management, Iterative Development
Eric Lund Optum Java Spring & .Net MVC
Kevin Wells Optum Java, Linux, UNIX
Isaac Owusu Optum NoSQL, Big Data
AJ Whatling Source Allies Full Stack Developer
Noah Mortell Source Allies Full Stack Developer
Todd Brunia Source Allies Full Stack Developer
Leon Durvage Vermeer Embedded Systems
Alan Langman Vermeer Embedded Systems
Matt Dresser Vermeer Embedded Systems







Things to Know!

We have air mattresses to sleep on.

Bathrooms are on either side of the building

  • This includes SHOWERS!

Please share outlets

Maximum 4 people per team

Have a great weekend!

Keep In Touch







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