(file, network, events, ...)
Example | Bounded | Repeat | |
(6, 7, 8, 9) | Fixed integer sequence | Yes | Yes |
(3, 4, 5, ...) | Infinite integer sequence | No | Yes |
(9, 3, 1, 6) | Fixed-length random sequence | Yes | No |
(7, 2, 4, ...) | Infinite random sequence | No | No |
(GET, ...) | Incoming HTTP requests | ? | ? |
FAST (10/sec)
slooww (2/sec)
handle large data sets or rapid events with bounded resources
reusable, natural expression of stream processing atop Akka
key concept: streams are push-based
subscribe to Publisher, receive events (later) via Subscriber
Reactive Streams Basics
public interface Publisher<T> {
void subscribe(Subscriber<? super T> s);
events pushed to subscriber
what about errors?
Reactive Streams Basics
public interface Subscriber<T> {
void onSubscribe(Subscription s);
void onNext(T t);
void onError(Throwable t);
void onComplete();
how is this different than traditional event listeners or reactive extensions (Rx.NET, et al)?
Reactive Streams Basics
subscriber.onNext(element), ...
Reactive Streams Basics
public interface Subscription {
void request(long n);
void cancel();
Reactive Streams Basics
public interface Processor<T, R>
extends Subscriber<T>, Publisher<R> {
Reactive Streams Basics
Reactive Streams Basics
public interface Publisher<T> {
void subscribe(Subscriber<? super T> s);
public interface Subscriber<T> {
void onSubscribe(Subscription s);
void onNext(T t);
void onError(Throwable t);
void onComplete();
public interface Subscription {
void request(long n);
void cancel();
public interface Processor<T, R>
extends Subscriber<T>, Publisher<R> {
objective: minimal, well-specified integration API
objective: develop streaming applications
Level 2
Level 3
Graph, Shape, Inlet, Outlet
Stream of streams
Cyclic Graphs
Shape Library
Source, Sink, Flow
Broadcast, Zip, ZipWith, Unzip, UnzipWith, Merge
FlexiRoute, FlexiMerge
Data Transformation
Custom Transformation
Stream Transformation
Custom Materialization
Stream Transformation
Error Handling
Linear Flows
DSL, Builder
Branching Flows
Cyclic Flows
Protocol Flows
Akka Streams Level 1 (Basics)
val source = Source(1 to 3)
val sum = Flow[Int].fold(0.0)(_ + _)
val sink = Sink.foreach[Double](println)
// Prints '6.0'
Akka Streams Level 1 (Basics)
Function :
Graph :
Inputs & Outputs (Signature)
Inlets & Outlets (Shape)
val source: Source[Int] = Source(1 to 3)
val sum: Flow[Int, Double] = Flow[Int].fold(0.0)(_ + _)
val sink: Sink[Double] = Sink.foreach[Double](println)
// What is the shape of the following?
val runnable: RunnableGraph = source.via(sum).to(sink)
note: types intentionally simplified
Akka Streams Level 1 (Basics)
implicit val system = ActorSystem("akka-streams")
implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()
// Create a runnable graph, steps omitted
val runnable: RunnableGraph = source.via(flow).to(sink)
// Run the graph with implicit Materializer
Akka Streams Level 1 (Basics)
// Materialized type is the last type parameter by convention
// Sink that materializes a Future that completes when stream completes
val printer: Sink[Int, Future[Unit]] = Sink.foreach[Int](println)
// Sink that materializes a Future that completes with the first stream element
val head: Sink[Int, Future[Int]] = Sink.head[Int]
// Sources often don't materialize anything
val source: Source[Int, Unit] = Source(1 to 3)
// Source that emits periodically until cancelled via the materialized Cancellable
val ticks: Source[Int, Cancellable] = Source(1.second, 5.seconds, 42)
// Note that the above are merely blueprints
// No materialized values are produced until a graph is materialized
// Materialize a Graph which will run indefinitely or until cancelled
// Any graph can only materialize a single value
// Both printer and ticks materialize values (Future[Unit] and Cancellable)
// runWith() selects the target's materialized value
val cancellable: Cancellable = printer.runWith(ticks)
// Cancel the materialized ticks source
Akka Streams Level 1 (Basics)
// Create flow materializer
implicit val system = ActorSystem("akka-streams")
implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()
// Create graph components
val nums = (1 to 10)
val source: Source[Int, Unit] = Source(nums)
val sum: Flow[Int, Int, Unit] = Flow[Int].fold(0)(_ + _)
val triple: Flow[Int, Int, Unit] = Flow[Int].map(_*3)
val head: Sink[Int, Future[Int]] = Sink.head[Int]
// Assemble and run a couple of graphs
val future1a: Future[Int] = source.via(sum).to(head).run
val future2a: Future[Int] = source.via(triple).via(sum).to(head).run
// Perform some basic tests
whenReady(future1a)(_ shouldBe nums.sum)
whenReady(future2a)(_ shouldBe (nums.sum * 3))
// Equivalent to the above graphs, using shortcuts for brevity
val future1b = Source(nums).runFold(0)(_ + _)
val future2b = Source(nums).via(triple).runFold(0)(_ + _)
Akka Streams Level 1 (Basics)
// Source[Out, Mat]
def mapAsync[T](parallelism: Int)(f: (Out) ⇒ Future[T]): Source[T, Mat]
def takeWhile(p: (Out) ⇒ Boolean): Source[Out, Mat]
def takeWithin(d: FiniteDuration): Source[Out, Mat]
Akka Streams Level 1 (Basics)
// Source[Out, Mat]
def prefixAndTail[U >: Out](n: Int): Source[(Seq[Out], Source[U, Unit]), Mat]
def splitWhen[U >: Out](p: (Out) ⇒ Boolean): Source[Source[U, Unit], Mat]
def groupBy[K, U >: Out](f: (Out) ⇒ K): Source[(K, Source[U, Unit]), Mat]
def conflate[S](seed: (Out) ⇒ S)(aggregate: (S, Out) ⇒ S): Source[S, Mat]
def expand[S, U](seed: (Out) ⇒ S)(extrapolate: (S) ⇒ (U, S)): Source[U, Mat]
Akka Streams & HTTP Level 1 (Basics)
Akka Streams Level 1 (Basics)
Date, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume, Adj Close
2014-12-31, 25.3, 25.3, 24.19, 24.84, 1438600, 24.84
2014-12-30, 26.28, 26.37, 25.29, 25.36, 766100, 25.36
2014-12-29, 26.64, 26.8, 26.13, 26.42, 619700, 26.42
2014-12-26, 27.25, 27.25, 26.42, 26.71, 360400, 26.71
Date, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume, Adj Close, Adj Close SMA(3)
2014-12-31, 25.3, 25.3, 24.19, 24.84, 1438600, 24.84, 25.54
2014-12-30, 26.28, 26.37, 25.29, 25.36, 766100, 25.36, 26.16
http://localhost:8080/stock/price/daily/yhoo?calculated=sma(3) ...
Akka Streams Level 1 (Basics)
Akka Streams Level 1 (Basics)
// Calculate simple moving average (SMA) using scan()
// to maintain a running sum and a sliding window
def sma(N: Int) = Flow[Double]
.scan((0.0, Seq.empty[Double])) {
case ((sum, win), x) =>
win.size match {
case N => (sum + x - win.head, win.tail :+ x)
case _ => (sum + x, win :+ x)
.drop(N) // Drop initial and incomplete windows
.map { case (sum, _) => sum / N.toDouble }
Source(1 to 5)
.map(n => (n*n).toDouble)
.runForeach(sma => println(f"$sma%1.2f")
// Output:
// 4.67
// 9.67
// 16.67
Akka Streams Level 1 (Basics)
// A CSV file row, parsed into columns
type Row = Array[String]
// Parse incoming bytes into CSV record stream
// Note: Each ByteString may contain more (or less) than one line
def parse(maximumLineLength: Int = 256): Flow[ByteString, Row, Unit] =
Framing.delimiter(ByteString("\n"), maximumLineLength, allowTruncation = true)
// Select a specific column (including header) by name
def select(name: String): Flow[Row, String, Unit] = Flow[Row]
.prefixAndTail(1).map { case (header, rows) =>
header.head.indexOf(name) match {
case -1 => Source.empty[String] // Named column not found
case index => Source.single(name)
// Convert row into CSV formatted ByteString
val format = Flow[Row].map(row => ByteString(row.mkString("", ",", "\n")))
Akka Streams Level 1 (Basics)
// Calculate and format SMA for a column, renaming the column
def smaCol(name: String, n: Int, format: String = "%1.2f") = Flow[String]
.map { case (header, data) =>
Adj Close
Adj Close SMA(3)
Akka Streams Level 2 (Intermediate)
Fan-Out Shapes:
Fan-In Shapes:
Broadcast, Unzip, UnzipWith
Zip, ZipWith, Merge, MergePreferred
Akka Streams Level 1 (Basics)
bcast ~> ~> append.in0
bcast ~> select ~> smaCol ~> append.in1
// Calculate and append SMA column
def appendSma(n: Int): Flow[Row, Row, Unit] = Flow(
Broadcast[Row](2),"Adj Close"),
smaCol(s"Adj Close SMA($n)", n),
ZipWith((row: Row, col: String) => row :+ col)
)((_, _, _, mat) => mat) {
implicit builder => (bcast, select, smaCol, append) =>
bcast ~> append.in0
bcast ~> select ~> smaCol ~> append.in1
(, append.out)
Akka Streams Level 1 (Basics)
val inSource = SynchronousFileSource(new File("input.csv"))
val expSource = SynchronousFileSource(new File("expected.csv"))
val builder = new ByteStringBuilder()
val outSink = Sink.foreach[ByteString](builder ++= _)
val outSource = Source(() => Iterator.single(builder.result()))
val window = 3
val smaName = s"Adj Close SMA($window)"
val future = inSource.via(csv.parse()).via(quote.appendSma(window)).via(csv.format)
whenReady(future) { unit =>
// Compare SMA column from output and expected
val selectSma = csv.parse().via(
val outFuture = outSource.via(selectSma).runFold(List.empty[Double])(_ :+ _)
val expFuture = expSource.via(selectSma).runFold(List.empty[Double])(_ :+ _)
whenReady(Future.sequence(Seq(outFuture, expFuture))) { case out :: exp :: Nil =>
out should have size exp.size { case (out, exp) =>
out shouldBe exp
Akka HTTP Level 1 (Basics)
Akka HTTP Level 1 (Basics)
Akka HTTP Level 1 (Basics)
// TCP and HTTP protocols modeled as Flows
// Flow is materialized for each incoming connection
// TCP
Tcp().bindAndHandle(handler: Flow[ByteString, ByteString, _], ...)
// HTTP (server low-level)
// Q: How is HTTP pipelining supported?
Http().bindAndHandle(handler: Flow[HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Any], ...)
// HTTP (client low-level)
Http().outgoingConnection(host: String, port: Int = 80, ...):
Flow[HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Future[OutgoingConnection]]
// HTTP entities modeled using ByteString Sources
// Request entity modeled as a source of bytes (Source[ByteString])
val request: HttpRequest
val dataBytes: Source[ByteString, Any] = request.entity.dataBytes
// Use Source[ByteString] to create response entity
val textSource: Source[ByteString, Any]
val chunked = HttpEntity.Chunked.fromData(MediaTypes.`text/plain`, textSource)
val response = HttpResponse(entity = chunked)
Akka HTTP Level 1 (Basics)
Akka HTTP Level 1 (Basics)
import akka.http.scaladsl.Http
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.MediaTypes._
// Find mock data file (if it exists) for the given symbol
def mockFile(symbol: String): Option[File] =
.map(url => new File(url.getFile))
// http://localhost/stock/price/daily/yhoo
val route: Route =
(get & path("stock"/"price"/"daily" / Segment)) { (symbol) =>
complete {
mockFile(symbol) match {
// Create chunked response from Source[ByteString]
case Some(file) => HttpEntity.Chunked.fromData(`text/csv`, SynchronousFileSource(file))
case None => NotFound
// Run a server with the given route (implicit conversion to Flow[HttpRequest, HttpResponse])
val binding = Http().bindAndHandle(route, "localhost", 8080)
Akka HTTP Level 1 (Basics)
import csv.Row
import akka.http.scaladsl.Http
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.HttpEntity
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.MediaTypes._
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._
trait StockPriceClient {
def history(symbol: String): Future[Either[(StatusCode, String), Source[Row, Any]]]
case class YahooStockPriceClient
(implicit system: ActorSystem, executor: ExecutionContextExecutor, materializer: Materializer)
extends StockPricesClient
override def history(symbol: String) = {
val uri = buildUri(symbol) //$symbol&...
Http().singleRequest(RequestBuilding.Get(uri)).map { response =>
response.status match {
case OK => Right(response.entity.dataBytes.via(csv.parse())
case NotFound => Left(NotFound -> s"No data found for $symbol")
case status => Left(status -> s"Request to $uri failed with status $status")
Akka HTTP Level 1 (Basics)
import csv.Row
import akka.http.scaladsl.Http
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.HttpEntity
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.MediaTypes._
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._
trait StockPriceClient {
def history(symbol: String): Future[Either[(StatusCode, String), Source[Row, Any]]]
val client: StockPriceClient
// http://localhost/stock/prices/daily/yhoo/sma(10)
val route: Route =
(get & path("stock"/"prices"/"daily" / Segment / "sma(" ~ IntValue ~ ")")) {
(symbol, window) =>
client.history(symbol).map[ToResponseMarshallable] {
case Right(source) => HttpEntity.Chunked.fromData(`text/csv`,
case Left(err @ (NotFound, _)) => err
case Left(_) => ServiceUnavailable -> "Error calling underlying service"
Akka Streams Level 1 (Basics)
Intro to Akka Streams & HTTP
⇒ git clone
⇒ sbt run
[info] Running Main
Starting server on localhost:8080...STARTED
Get started with the following URLs:
Stock Price Service:
Yahoo with default SMA : http://localhost:8080/stock/price/daily/yhoo
Yahoo 2 years w/ SMA(200) : http://localhost:8080/stock/price/daily/yhoo?period=2y&calculated=sma(200)
Facebook 1 year raw history : http://localhost:8080/stock/price/daily/fb?period=1y&raw=true
Bitcoin Trades Service:
Hourly OHLCV (Bitstamp USD) : http://localhost:8080/bitcoin/price/hourly/bitstamp/USD
Daily OHLCV (itBit USD) : http://localhost:8080/bitcoin/price/daily/itbit/USD
Recent trades (itBit USD) : http://localhost:8080/bitcoin/trades/itbit/USD
Trades raw response : http://localhost:8080/bitcoin/trades/bitstamp/USD?raw=true