Communicate an NFC reader with a web application

Gautier Darchen

  • 23 🎂
  • ​Fullstack dev at Takima since 2018
    Working at Cartier in a lab
    • ​React
    • Node.js
    • Java / Spring
    • Devops
  • Easily know the remaining tasks to be performed on a piece of jewelry for a given person
  • Bar code / QR code
    • Innovation & a lot of data to hold
  • RFID
    • Short-range
  • NFC ✅

NFC today

  • Omnipresent in our daily life
  • Contactless payment, access badge, etc.
  • Cheap (NTAG 213 : about $ 0.08 per chip)
  • Different types: frequency, encryption, etc.

Target application 🎯 

Loading page

Result page

Local server NFC Reader and web-sockets

1st iteration


  • Buy a NFC Reader 💸
    • ACR 122U — USB NFC Reader
      ​Advanced Card System Ltd.
  • Node.js server on the client ➡️ plugged devices 🔌
  • Use a PC/SC library 📕
  • Communicate the read payload to the web app via web-sockets 🧦 

Connection workflow

NTAG 213

Memory organization

Local server

// src/index.js
// ...

io.on('connection', (socket) => {

  socket.on('require-scan', () => {
    const nfc = new NFC();
    nfc.on('reader', (reader) => {
      const pageNumber = 4;
      const bufferLength = 48;

      reader.on('card', async (card) => {
        try {
          const data = await, bufferLength);
          const extractedPayload = data.toString().split('/')[1];

          socket.emit('nfc-tag-scanned', extractedPayload);
        } catch (err) {
          // boilerplate code to handle the error

Client app

// src/pages/home/components/HomeContainer.jsx

// ...

const HomeContainer = () => {
  const [socket, setSocket] = useState();
  const [readTag, setReadTag] = useState();

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [APILocalSocketUrl]);

  useEffect(() => {
    if (!socket) {
      return () => {};

    socket.on("nfc-tag-scanned", payload => {

    return () => socket.close();
  }, [socket]);

  return <Home readTag={readTag} />;

export default HomeContainer;

Demo 1


  • Node.js on the client 🛠
  • Start the web-socket server 👷
  • Update on each client web-socket server if needed 🔄
  • Works well on servers, what about desktop apps?
    • Change our distribution mode


  • Last version of the app ⚡️

Key learnings

  • Easy installation 🛠️
  • Easy distribution 🚚
  • Desktop app 🖥️

How to do it with web technologies?  🤔

Electron application using a NFC Reader

2nd iteration


Build cross platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS


  • Easy installation on the client side
  • Node.js server on the client side
    • File-system, hardware, etc.


  • NFC reader bought for solution #1
  • Electron ➡️ plugged devices 🔌
  • Use a PC/SC library that we already master 📕


Use the library

const HomeContainer = () => {
  const nfc = new NFC();
  const [readTag, setReadTag] = useState(undefined);

  nfc.on("reader", reader => {
    const pageNumber = 4;
    const bufferLength = 48;

    reader.on("card", card => {, bufferLength).then(data => {
        const extractedPayload = data.toString().split("/")[1];

  return <Home readTag={readTag} />;

Demo 2


  • Build for each target platform
  • Reinstall on each device after updates
    • Packaging and installation
    • Slow and heavy release cycles
  • Configuration to use native modules

Dream solution

  • Web app 🌐
  • Nothing installed client-side 🤤

Using WebUSB and an Arduino board

3rd iteration


  • API implemented in the browser 🌐
  • "Plug and play" devices for web apps 🔌
  • Security: "web origins" (white list) 🛡
    • Equivalent to CORS for HTTP requests
  • Native code & SDKs  ➡️ cross-platform & "web-ready" libraries 📚

W3C spec draft:



NFC Reader


NFC Reader

  • $50 per device 💵
  • Handicraft and not yet industrialized 👨‍🔬
    • Will be subcontracted


Arduino programming

Import libraries and configure the WebUSB Serial

// NFC Reading libraries
#include <Wire.h>
#include <PN532_I2C.h>
#include <PN532.h>
#include <NfcAdapter.h>

// WebUSB library
#include <WebUSB.h>

// Web origin
#define PROTOCOL_HTTP 0 /* http:// */
WebUSB WebUSBSerial(PROTOCOL_HTTP, "localhost:3000");

// NFC Shield configuration
PN532_I2C pn532_i2c(Wire);
NfcAdapter nfc = NfcAdapter(pn532_i2c);

#define BAUD_RATE 9600

Arduino programming

Reading loop

void loop() {
  if (nfc.tagPresent()){
    NfcTag tag =;
    if (tag.hasNdefMessage()) { // If your tag has a message
      NdefMessage message = tag.getNdefMessage();

      // If you have more than 1 record then it will cycle through them
      int recordCount = message.getRecordCount();
      for (int i = 0; i < recordCount; i++) {
        NdefRecord record = message.getRecord(i);

        int payloadLength = record.getPayloadLength();
        byte payload[payloadLength];

        String payloadAsString = ""; // Processes the message as a string vs as a HEX value
        for (int c = 0; c < payloadLength; c++) {
          payloadAsString += (char)payload[c];


Client live coding

Working zone 🚧

  • Draft Community status (since Aug. 2019)
    • Enabled in Chrome 61 (Sept. 2017)
    • Disabled for several months (security)
    • Only available in secured context (HTTPs)


Production 🏭

Thank you! 🙏

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