Training course template 

Research-related IT Services

Described on IT Services website.

Announcements given via Research IT blog.

  • Training courses teaching computing skills for Research
  • General guidance and advice about research software
  • Access to specialist support and consultancy e.g. code reviews
  • Access to HPC systems
  • Data storage and management
  • Full list of services on offer

For help and support use the Support Centre


  • Fire exit
  • Toilets
  • Course timing
    • 09:30 -- 12:00
    • 12:00 -- 13:00 lunch
    • 13:00 -- 16:00 
    • + Mid-morning and mid-afternoon breaks

Teaching methods

  • Interactive workshop-style course
    • Type along with the examples
    • Test your understanding in the exercise sessions
  • Course notes
    • All examples and exercises are in the notes
    • Slides will remain online after the course

Getting help and giving feedback


  • Zoom 'reactions'
    • Used for getting help and giving real-time feedback
    • Green tick/thumbs up = OK / ready to go
    • Red cross/hand/ = not OK (too fast, didn't understand, computer says no etc)
    • LOL face/clap ...
  • Please interrupt me to ask questions
  • If you can, please leave your camera on - this gives me  lots of real-time feedback
  • During exercises, please help each other as required
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